Dear Yogis –


We are all so pleased to be back in the studio.. Everything is as it was (the garden is a wee bit tidier… but that’s all).  Do come and be part of our community – in these covid times, community matters more now than it ever seemed to before, however, we have always valued our yogis!   Some of whom have been with us for a very very long time – 15 years and more.

MY FAULT – confusion about the cost of the classes – concessions, older students etc… I was trying to make it easier, and help you all which resulted in confusion, sorry about that.  So, I am going to revert to what was a particularly easy and successful model we used in 2006. That is a lot of years ago – some of you may remember this.  

From this week…. ...There is only one class pass, and only one price for yoga on zoom or in the studio – $88 for 4 classes for one person for one session.  It is consecutive.  Use up your present passes and then the new charge will apply.  It will be easier to remember where you are at, and the card will only be valid for 4 weeks, so no scrambling around when you lose it.

According to my financial advisor, with only three persons in a class it is the ONLY way it will work, and make it worthwhile.  I recently had to get some gardeners in to help out and they charged $52 per hour all up.  I have had 50 years yoga experience, and am highly qualified – I love teaching, and I love yoga (and I have missed you all during covid), but I no longer want to work for less than a gardener.  ZOOM OR STUDIO, all the same.. it is still an hour of my time and it is how I pay my expenses.  

I thank you for your understanding.  I don’t like to bring this problem to you, but I have to – otherwise we will have to close our doors and just work on zoom.. 


These are filling up, but waitlists are available for when we are allowed more students in the classroom.

MONDAY:  1pm IS FULL.    6pm – there are vacancies in this class
TUESDAY: Ongoing ZOOM Sutra study 7.30pm
WEDNESDAY: 12.30 ZOOM.  5.30pm STUDIO IS FULL (waitlist?)
FRIDAY:  5.30 STUDIO With GENTLE WEIGHTS (get rid of the “covid Bulge”).  6.45 FREE TAROT/PENDULUM CLASS.
SATURDAY: 2pm ZOOM TAROT/ART (There will be no zoom class this week – it is our monthly studio meeting)


CHAKRA/REIKI CHARTS:  I am working on hand-drawn CHAKRA CHARTS echoing the work of Prof. Motoyama, and the REIKI CHARTS inspired by Dr.Usui.  I will let you know when they are on ETSY.  You will be able to buy them as sets to download, or matted and mounted ready to frame.

I have just finished the latest book of recipes.
It is an update of “Kannabis Kitchen” with a focus on adaptogens – herbals that help.

As usual it can be found on


The Buddha said this, and we are all trying to live up to it I am sure.  It is not about buying some new toy, trying some new distraction, it is about using the skills and the equipment you have to meet your needs.  
Yesterday at the evening SUTRA classes we learned about KRIYA YOGA and the NIYAMAS.  About cleanliness, study, positive change, humility and faith…pranayama.  What ASANA really meant when these texts were written.  It was not about the perfect down dog.

ASANA meant “The yoga of active practice”, which meant practice causing change, self-observation, and honouring the divine inner teacher.  A synergistic set of tools that bring about real change.  A powerful mechanism for learning and growth. Each part of the practice informs the others therefore change is more profound and noticeable when they are practised together.

PLEASE COME TO NEXT WEEKS SUTRA LESSON.  (Tuesdays 7.30pm) It is a process of self development using the skills of yoga, not just asana.  Inner growth involves changing the way that we feel, the way we do things, our attitudes, and our expectations.



Dear Yogis,

This morning my mind is on the TAROT.  The card I drew that has the message for everyone today is THE SUN – card number 19.  When we pull this card, we are filled with the life giving force of the sun.

No matter how things look, there is joy everywhere in your life.  Everything will be right no matter what is being played out around you.  This does not mean life is without care or responsibility, but it does mean that if we live our lives in a yogic way and look for the good,  for life in all things, we will find it.  The light of the sun will bring clarity to any situation.  Drawing this card means a renewal of energy. Click on “SUN”  to see the card from our REVELATION TAROT DECK (available on


For the artists, this card asks you to explore new avenues of creativity… maybe a project you have had on the back burner.  Always facing a new canvas or a new work takes confidence and a certain amount of recklessness and risk.  Do it!  You have the power.  Reach in and claim it.

This card asks us to reveal the inner child.  To have fun.  The sun asks you to accept you are a unique and beautiful being.

Show your gratitude through good works and prayer; remember your obligations to others.   Follow this and things will begin to go your way even though it may not look that way this minute.  Do not expect great wealth, this card is not about that.

Questions you may like to ask:

Who/what is blocking my power?

What/who is helping and healing me?

How do I express my uniqueness?

How can I develop my creativity?

Who am I in the world? (this is a good general meditation – drill down into the question until there is only one thing left… this may take some days of meditation practice but is a useful even though it is hard).

REFLECTIONS:  Sometimes the most wondrous things happen without an apparent reason.  They are a sign of Grace. Gifts from heaven, a blessing.  Don’t try and work out why or how these things have come into being… just be thankful.  It is hard for us to believe but you do not have to EARN everything.  Some things arrive unbidden, gifts, the bounty of heaven.

Have a lovely day.



Dear Yogis,

This covid experience experience is visiting us/me as a teacher,  and I am learning many things.   One of the things I have learned is that without you my life has less meaning.  I love teaching you, doing these newsletters, and next week, speaking to you via ZOOM. Something I never thought I would do. It is my challenge, and I have a few.

If I went to my monastery in this time I could fill my days with meditation, and spiritual routine dependent on no-one. I would have nothing to achieve, nothing except the routine to comply with. I could feel good because I would receive validation just for being there, just for making that choice. But I have not escaped to there, am not there;  like you – I am here.  I could even escape at home, and maybe you are doing it.

I know the planetary reasons I feel like I feel, I know about the retrograde (which will last a few months), and the tarot cards. I like finding reasons for how I feel…  My advice to self – turn around, look at the spiritual.  Because I am me, I am not giving up on what God has put in my heart. He is waiting for me to look again, and not settle for what appears to be.  I am waiting for our clouds to turn into rain, and new plants.  I am waiting for new ideas to grow into fruitful paths.

In the TOWER, the 16th card in my Tarot pack, I learn that there is an obstacle, a tiring one.  I could start to climb and give up, I could just curl into a ball and wait things out in which case nothing would change and things would get dark.  Or, I could climb down the ladder and run away, in which case I would learn nothing and once again, nothing would change, except I would have a feeling of failure. No matter what other choices I made I would know there was a Tower I did not climb, an opportunity I did not take.   The challenge, the Tower –  and no matter how far I ran, I would know I had given up.   Now is the time to climb the tower no matter the obstacles, no matter your imaginings…. plant good seeds, nurture them and watch them grow.

You have to have a made up mind and decide that abundance is on the way, look again and do what it takes.  Like me, you may be climbing today.  Have faith that you will have a sign of what God is doing in your life.  You will look at the world from the top of the tower.  Look again.  When you keep looking up,  keep climbing no matter the obstacles, you will be able to see what is your destiny.  Look up again.  There is a new beginning.  You wouldn’t be alive if there wasn’t something fantastic up ahead of you.

If you keep the faith, if you keep climbing your particular tower, doors will open, opportunity will track you down.  That stirring is new life.  Keep your faith stirred up, live with expectancy.  Your difficulties are set-ups, not set-backs.  No matter how things look in the physical,  rest in the Spirit.  You will still get what you have been promised.   You would not have the dream if there wasn’t a way for it to come to pass.  

Please let me into your world.  If you are interested in zoom yoga classes, weekly zoom teacher training sessions (most suitable for those who are struggling with the course), and zoom tarot and tarot training sessions…. please email me at and I will give you the password and the code required. If you are not confident in this new technology – well, neither am I.  Let us learn together.

 I can’t give you what you want if I don’t know what it is you want.  EMAIL me.


Have a lovely day, no matter the weather, no matter the height of the tower.