1.  Choose a class.   You will find them on the blog, or subscribe to our newsletters
2. Email me to find availability
3. Pay the fee for the class by Direct Debit given in an email to you in reply, OR click “DONATE” OR “PAY VIA PAYPAL” on the front page of this web site.  You don’t need a PayPal account..
4. You will be sent the ZOOM LINK on the day of the class… I rarely forget.  

5. For zoom yoga classes – please make sure you have props with you appropriate to the class. 

6. For zoom art classes, please collect your materials for the class and always remember paper and pen to make notes.



YOGA FOR WALKERS AND WHEELIES – at the Norma Richardson Hall, every Wednesday from 9.30am to 11am….  starting Wednesday the 17th July.



Monday Hatha 1pm Wednesday Restorative 1pm. FRIDAY Restorative at 10am


The Monday HATHA YOGA CLASSES are not a strong ashtanga style class, they are more gentle, and I work around the strengths and weaknesses of the class on the day – I have very small classes so this is entirely possible, and the way I like to work.

RESTORATIVE – is what one of my students called THE STRAWBERRIES AND CREAM of yoga.  It is a very gently, supported stretch class.  Very suitable for people in recovery, students needing to restore and relax.

Now that we are out of the covid crisis, I can have more people in class, you can use the props that we have here, and no masks required indoors.  With the second wave in China causing concern, we ask you to take care, be absent if you have a disturbing symptom as we have people with compromised immune systems in class.

You will have to pre-book.  Please email me at


 If you have a cough, a cold, have met someone who has COVID, have recently returned from overseas, or have a friend or family member who has – please self isolate and visit your doctor only returning after you have a negative covid result.  If you have been to a large gathering of any kind, please Do not come to yoga, at least for 10 days….



37 Morris Road, Woodend. Booking Essential, no drop-ins.

WAIT-LISTS ARE AVAILABLE FOR ALL CLASSES. If the class is not available today, email me ( and put your name down for when a vacancy exists.  All classes  – class pass prepaid and although no refunds,  you can swap classes and do a catch-up.   

WEDNESDAY: 1PM Restorative, and Friday at 10am


OPTION 1. The Official School Term  coincides with out terms TERM. The cost for the term is $220.

OPTION 2.There is still the option to pay 4 CONSECUTIVE classes at a time $88 – with this option if you don’t come to class you lose your payment, although you can make up a class in the same week.  Or $25 per class on the day.

PAYMENT:  First contact me to make sure the class you have chosen is the one for you….  Then to pay,  Click on  PAY VIA PAYPAL at the bottom right hand corner of the home page.  It’s easy, send an immediate receipt so I know you have paid, and is super secure.

Monday: 6.30 Yoga/Herbal/Tarot training Classes


…. now we get back to NEW NORMAL.