Jahne’s energy will inspire and rejuvenate you, perfect for the new year.

Your consultation will ignite your intuition and help you evolve to the star that you are!


As a perceptive and creative intuitive for as long as she can remember,  Jahne  gives you the insight, power, tools and map to create your future.

Whether for personal or business issues, her Readings are motivating and entertaining as you journey into your inner universe through the worlds of REVELATION TAROT.   No longer fortune telling.  Jahne is an advisor.  A 21st century Reading with Jahne is about prosperity on every level (remember – prosperity  is part of the Purushatras – it is  not a sin to be prosperous). 

Consultations are an inspiring, empowering proactive process for creating your future! Using tarot as a GPS of the Souland creative intuition, new thinking tool, our sessions with author and creator of the Revelation Tarot Deck gives you a down-to-earth, doable road map for navigating your life.


Our Tarot readings are an wholistic pathway that calls upon your emotional, physical, spiritual and mental faculties for getting real results. Consultations with Jahne give you a memorable and deep symbolic picture-story for motivated, activated living going forward. The Revelation Tarot system is a proven mentoring technique for Personal Growth, Business, Relationships, Health and Sustainability.

Using your natural gifts and powers, REVELATION Readings with Jahne  give you the magical way that lives within you to manifest and realize your visions and dreams.



INSPIRATION   With a new vision of your life and world, you are uplifted by a positive and heartfelt passion for your potential and opportunities.

SELF-KNOWING    A keen and experienced observer Jahne determines your Resources, Challenges and Lessons, and turns your shadow sides and setbacks into stepping stones for growth and self-realization.

BALANCE     A yoga teacher for all of her adult life, and life-long student of the mystical, Jahne helps you structure your life so that your heart/mind/body and spirit are aligned and synergized so that you have the integration and diversity within to succeed.

“The formulation of the question is far more important than the answer.”  — Albert Einstein


Accurate & Reliable Readings – Get clear results every time you consult the Tarot by unlocking your intuition and activating massive impact.

Professional & Personal Development – Leverage your unique strengths.

Support:  Jahne is here for you – you can build own each reading as you progress along your life path.

EMAIL readings available.
I use the tarot, the pendulum and Dream Analysis for each of these. They are NOT computer generated. I reply PERSONALLY to each.


You can TAROT with me on zoom or email.  
Email me, 2. book a time, 3. Pay via PayPal Go to the Yogabeautiful home page and Click on Pay via PAYPAL  (it is simple) 4. I will send you a personal zoom ID and away we go.  or respond to you via the email if you are NOT zoom person.

Email reading – $95

One Question (half hour ZOOM session) – $65
One hour session –  $85 (Studio or zoom)
Two hour+ – $150

YOU ARE PRECIOUS AND YOUR LIFE COUNTS! I am here to help you to re-connect to the message of who you are, to identify your talents, and the reasons you have come into this world this time.  By having a deeper soul connection, self-connection, by loving, trusting and honouring yourself and your unique identity your life can expand in areas and ways you may never have dreamed.    It can become abundant beyond measure.  These are the gifts of self-love and true expression.


I look forward to seeing you. ON ZOOM or via the Email..