Dear Yogis, 

When I started teaching yoga teachers on line in the early 1970’s I was aware that I was breaking new ground in Australia.  Back then it was all pens, paper and post – a word processor was big deal.  I did not know that Ramacharaka taught a distance education yoga course in India in 1904.  Amazing.  Here we are in 2018, and we are still going.  We have our detractors (as always), we have our champions – hundreds and hundreds – and we plan to be around a long time, going our own way.

We were the first to teach anatomy and physiology to our trainee teachers, and when we structured our course on a module by module basis to ease our trainees into the “teacher mindset” we were (and still are ) criticised for not conf0rming to the government way of teaching.

Now you can do your yoga teacher training by distance, on-line, and via zoom.


ADD TO THIS the fact that our trainees can go out and teach BEFORE they graduate, actually about a month after they start the course and after an interview via zoom with our director to establish their preparedness for teaching.  We have a unique and special relationship with our insurer which enables both “student” insurance and “student” insurance.   Plus we can adjust your course around your lifestyle (AND INCOME).

Throughout our courses, and inherent in our philosophy, is the idea that our style of yoga is held in place by the ancient texts.  We neither teach nor do “fitness yoga”.  Ours is not an easy “tick this box” style of course.  It will never be.  We focus on philosophy and always have.  Yoga from our point of view and classically taught,  is the joining of the mind, the body and the spirit.  It is not a fitness regime, and we do not teach it in this way.  If you want to teach a fitness regime you can develop this from this course, but you will be missing the most satisfying aspect – changing a person literally from the ground up.  Changing the world, one person at a time.

We teach the foundations.  When you complete this course, you will be able to teach any style you want (and it will change as you age and change), anywhere in the world.  It is a career, a lifestyle – not just a job.  Embrace it – it has chosen you.

You NOW have two ways to learn.  If you live out of range of the Studio and can’t attend classes, then you can do the class totally on-line and DISTANCE.  But, if you learn best in a classroom situation, then we are starting up our regular STUDIO TEACHER TRAINING CLASSES via ZOOM.  

Email me personally to enquire and/or apply:


POST GRADUATE CLASSES.  Any of these can be used as Elective in the RYTA courses and then moving forward can be used to achieve a 500hour qualification.

OUR NEWEST COURSE – “YOGA FOR DISABILITY”  This is a special course that stands alongside our teacher training and allows entry into this new market.  You can move into the National Disability Insurance Scheme.  If you are looking for new challenges, new markets, then this course just has to be for you.  You will learn how to deal with all kinds of disabilities (not just the Invictus Games type of athlete), using all your skills and senses.  Please email your interest and i will get back to you.  

  • “SO FUN Diversability YOGA”
  • ART&YOGA.  Heal your soul, your family and your community with this new opportunity to teach.  A new course to boost your creative and yoga qualifications.

To register your interest in any of  the POST GRAD COURSES, please contact me via email at