Dear Yogis,

ZOOM:  I have had ONE response to zoom classes = not enough interest, but lots of interest in Teacher Training and Tarot.  So, we will begin our ZOOM experiment with Teacher Training.  I would like to start at 7pm on Monday 29th June unless something changes.  There is a charge just as if you were sitting in front of me, no difference.  I will contact each of you with regards to the charge and when that has been sorted will send you the zoom ID.

I have to report on covid today.  Some suburbs are hot spots and as a result, we are again in semi-lockdown and already the toilet paper in our local Coles is running low I am told.  It has caused the abbreviation of our Sunday Tarot Meet-Up.  I can only take 5 persons, and none from a hot-spot suburb, and all the other covid requirements re health apply. Please register if you meet requirements and would like to join me.  We need to be safe.  It is up to each of us to keep others in mind.

Covid News.

There have been LARGE outbreaks of corona virus in meat processing plants across the UK and Europe.  This is not because the virus likes a meat diet, but because of the way this particular group of workers do their jobs.  The production is loud so they have to shout thus spreading droplets far and wide.  Although they wear protective gear – usually not masks, they are close together so any infection is spread quickly, and the climate in the factories is wet, cold and dark, all things the virus likes.   PLUS the majority of workers in these factories have limited understanding of the local language, so they don’t understand the dangers (something we are finding in Australia).  NOTE: It is extremely unlikely that you could catch corona virus from meat products.  There is no evidence of this.


As you know, via the Kannabis Kitchen and Wild’nWeedy I have been the voice in the wilderness with regards to cannabinoids, however, it seems Cannabinoid medicines could be the key to combating the leading cause of death related to COVID-19 infections, (says Melbourne biotechnology company Impressions Healthcare).

The company has commenced animal studies to assess its IHL-675A drug against sepsis-associated acute respiratory distress syndrome (SAARDS). IHL-675A is made up of cannabidiol (CBD) and hydroxychloroquine – historically used to treat malaria.

In many cases COVID-19 causes only mild symptoms. But once patients become critical and need the use of ventilators, SAARDS is the most likely cause of death thereafter. It is also a leading cause of death associated with some lung, urinary tract, stomach and skin infections.

The initial trial involves the drug treating rodents with induced sepsis, also known as septic shock or septicaemia, which occurs when the immune system overreacts to an infection and produces excessive levels of cytokines.   “Elevated levels of those cells secrete more cytokines, and this ‘cytokine storm’ recruits even more immune cells, fuelling a cascading cycle that eventually damages the host tissues and organs,” according to Impressions Healthcare.  Childrens’ immune system being less developed does not react so aggressively which may be the reason they seem to have a natural immunity.

SAARDS is a result of the lungs being damaged by this hyperinflammatory response and is characterised by widespread inflammation of the lungs – known as pneumonia or wet lung – which hampers the body’s ability to oxygenate blood.  IHL-675A may limit the progression of infections to sepsis hyperinflammation caused by the cytokine storm feedback loop.


Apart from this report which associates cannabinoids with a possible “cure” for the sepsis associated with covid, no-one is really focussing on what we all can do to make ourselves resistant. I am using my own CBD boosted moisturisers and face cream.  It’s easy and I don’t have to think about it.    This virus is not going to magically disappear, however, we should respect it.  It needs a host, and if we become resistant it will no longer be able to invade us, or if it does,  it will result in a cold, not a full blown attack.   The responsibility is in our court.  I am not saying eating your greens will protect you entirely, but if you do take a more responsible attitude to eating a rounded and nutritious breakfast, lunch and dinner (and adequate supplementation of Vit.C, D3, and zinc especially) , you will be doing the absolute best thing you can for your family (and yourself).

I am keeping in mind and implementing for myself the Chinese recommendations.  They are doing the washing and sanitising, they are also doing the salt gargle when they come in after work or being with others.

Keep warm, keep well (and laugh often – it boosts the immune system.  Maybe that is why children are more immune to the virus, they laugh a lot).)


Dear Yogis,

I am starting yoga teacher training classes on ZOOM from next week.  If your course has come to a halt for whatever reason, get back into it.  You will never have a better time.  Zoom is not as “intimate” as turning up for class, but it will be helpful to get you back on track.

After putting in the blog yesterday that I was starting teacher training classes on Zoom I got some takers and I am quite excited.  Those people who have stalled in their teacher training, should take this opportunity to get back on track. I am quite excited… so I guess I am ready to start, which I will do from next week.  I have sorted through some options, and once you let me know you are ready to re-start, we will organise a plan.  It’s a new world… and we are embracing it.

Tantra has been enormously helpful in my transition to this new world.  In order to board what is known as “the lightening vehicle of tantra”, we have to  put aside the ordinary limited view of ourselves which keeps us trapped.  By looking deeply into the clear nature of our mind, we can create space in which true self-transformation can take place.

It is not enough to know why this transformation is necessary and possible, we must also generate the strength and confidence that will enable us to  follow this radical approach to a fulfilling future.  Put another way.  We need to be inspired!

Ancient tantric texts mention that all realisations come from the guru.  Our guru can be a teacher, but it can also mean our own inner wisdom, our own fundamental clarity of mind. This inner-guru can accomplish everything.  The practice of guru yoga can be a method for learning how to listen to this inner guru.

Although we all possess this inner guru we do not listen to it, and we rarely hear it.  As long as we are out of contact with this inner teacher, and are disregarding our practice on the mat, we will never be able to integrate them.  Our inner guru will always remain weak and undeveloped.

For the very best teachings, for the teachings of enlightened beings to reach us, there should be an unbroken lineage of successive gurus and disciples carrying these living insights  down to the present day.  We need an experienced guide to show us exactly how to put the teachings we receive into practice.  We will not get to the highest teaching reading from a book,  hoping to figure things out for ourselves.  That is why I am always talking to to you about lineage,  and giving thanks.  Gratitude.  Lineage is not a marketing mantra, it is not a star on your report card. You cannot shop for lineage.

We need someone to show us, to give us a practical demonstration.  This is our guru.

COVID:  For many, each day brings more challenge, more hardship, more suffering. Their hearts are breaking, their patience is waning, and there is no end in sight. Events appear cosmic, beyond their control. Yet, we are far from powerless. When we come together as One, we have the power to transform our world.

As many teachers before me have said….    A single act of kindness, like a single drop of rain, might have little noticeable effect. But millions of raindrops falling together can form a channel capable of breaking through the strongest dam. In the same way, the accumulated grace of a million acts of kindness, channeled by shared intention, can break through the barrier of ruthless selfishness, flooding the earth with new life. That is the power of One.

Have a wonderful day. Start planting your spring natives seeds.  Many need the winter cold to germinate.

Namaste.  Jahne




Dear Yogis,

This covid experience experience is visiting us/me as a teacher,  and I am learning many things.   One of the things I have learned is that without you my life has less meaning.  I love teaching you, doing these newsletters, and next week, speaking to you via ZOOM. Something I never thought I would do. It is my challenge, and I have a few.

If I went to my monastery in this time I could fill my days with meditation, and spiritual routine dependent on no-one. I would have nothing to achieve, nothing except the routine to comply with. I could feel good because I would receive validation just for being there, just for making that choice. But I have not escaped to there, am not there;  like you – I am here.  I could even escape at home, and maybe you are doing it.

I know the planetary reasons I feel like I feel, I know about the retrograde (which will last a few months), and the tarot cards. I like finding reasons for how I feel…  My advice to self – turn around, look at the spiritual.  Because I am me, I am not giving up on what God has put in my heart. He is waiting for me to look again, and not settle for what appears to be.  I am waiting for our clouds to turn into rain, and new plants.  I am waiting for new ideas to grow into fruitful paths.

In the TOWER, the 16th card in my Tarot pack, I learn that there is an obstacle, a tiring one.  I could start to climb and give up, I could just curl into a ball and wait things out in which case nothing would change and things would get dark.  Or, I could climb down the ladder and run away, in which case I would learn nothing and once again, nothing would change, except I would have a feeling of failure. No matter what other choices I made I would know there was a Tower I did not climb, an opportunity I did not take.   The challenge, the Tower –  and no matter how far I ran, I would know I had given up.   Now is the time to climb the tower no matter the obstacles, no matter your imaginings…. plant good seeds, nurture them and watch them grow.

You have to have a made up mind and decide that abundance is on the way, look again and do what it takes.  Like me, you may be climbing today.  Have faith that you will have a sign of what God is doing in your life.  You will look at the world from the top of the tower.  Look again.  When you keep looking up,  keep climbing no matter the obstacles, you will be able to see what is your destiny.  Look up again.  There is a new beginning.  You wouldn’t be alive if there wasn’t something fantastic up ahead of you.

If you keep the faith, if you keep climbing your particular tower, doors will open, opportunity will track you down.  That stirring is new life.  Keep your faith stirred up, live with expectancy.  Your difficulties are set-ups, not set-backs.  No matter how things look in the physical,  rest in the Spirit.  You will still get what you have been promised.   You would not have the dream if there wasn’t a way for it to come to pass.  

Please let me into your world.  If you are interested in zoom yoga classes, weekly zoom teacher training sessions (most suitable for those who are struggling with the course), and zoom tarot and tarot training sessions…. please email me at and I will give you the password and the code required. If you are not confident in this new technology – well, neither am I.  Let us learn together.

 I can’t give you what you want if I don’t know what it is you want.  EMAIL me.


Have a lovely day, no matter the weather, no matter the height of the tower.