Dear Yogis,

On this beautiful, sunny and freezing cold Sunday morning (I had to break the ice for my Raven to have his breakfast).  Have you ever thought about energy as being like an infinite power station in the sky.  Have you noticed that the physical/material world is getting heavier and  slowing down and the psychic world is speeding up – as my teacher the Late  Dolores Cannon spoke of some years ago. The world is being reborn and you can decide which path to take, the new, magical spiritual age or remain stuck in the physical.  It is your decision and you are making it every day whether you understand or not.  Like the Fool in the tarot (the beginning of your journey) take the blindfold off and step forward with confidence and with God into the unknown.

We (especially dedicated yogis) are filled to the brim with psychic abilities that we don’t unpack and know – they  belong to everyone, not just monks and gurus, no matter what people tell you.

Opening up to the energy around you is  as ordinary as using a tool to manifest the life you are looking for.  This new energy is active, and we can access it, pull it down and use it to help ourselves and to help others in the world.  Could be that the tarot, astrology and other disciplines  might help you.

These new skills are optional, but I assure you, to move forward in a positive way you will need them, they are a big assist.  The world is undergoing expansive and sweeping changes.  You can see the changes.  All around us we can see political, social and economic developments, earth changes, environmental, and technological advances.  We will need to harness these new energies to weather and understand (at least in part) these changes.

The securities that our parents had are no longer available to us. The retirement-path job, and the house in the suburbs are no longer an option.  That age has passed.  This is “today” we have “portfolio lives”..  We want to experience our freedom, happiness and a destiny we determine,  to recognise who we really are – rediscovering why we are here.  It is not hard to do. Basically you do more of what makes you happy and less of what causes confusion and a feeling of loss.

Some people are more aware of this energy – dreams, coincidences, hearing or seeing things that can’t readily be explained in material ways. Coincidences happen constantly, and they will keep on happening until you finally get the message.  The most important thing to remember  is that they will keep happening because they are supposed to get your attention – so pay attention!

The first step is to start a PSYCHIC JOURNAL or  a DREAM JOURNAL.  Keep it by your bed, keep a small notebook with you at all times and note down those little nudges that the spirit world gives you.  The more you pay attention, the clearer you will be able to hear, and the more important the messages will be.  One of my clients (a person who loves maths)  gets her messages in number code! She really has to pay attention and does.

You, yes you, have all these psychic senses and can receive messages tailored for your receiver.  Don’t go crazy with this information.  It’s natural, it’s not new and it was here yesterday, you just weren’t tuned in.

You need a relaxed but determined ATTITUDE. You set the pace related to how comfortable you are with what is coming through.  You need a routine, and you must work on it to develop it.  You may need to be trained…    You certainly will be helped by a mentor.    My advice: don’t speak to any about it whilst you are developing this skill.  It won’t take much to knock you off course in the beginning.   

Your INTENTION as always is the key.  Negativity like revenge is like taking poison and expecting the other person to die.  Don’t go there!!! This energy is all about growth and being more available to help and serve your community and yourself.  Work on it.  Be open to the energy receptive state, and like in yoga meditation, develop those psychic muscles.  Meditate on the light, work with the light….. and see wondrous things unfold in your life.




Dear Yogis,

I have almost decided how to get over the problems we are having.. problems?  Finding times when we can all get together.  Rather than Zoom classes, I am going to VIMEO them, and then you can download and watch at your leisure.  You (and I) won’t be tied to a time frame.  In the meanwhile you can chat with me on Zoom (fingers crossed!) about your path forward.

For a consult, Email:

AS I HAVE ALERTED YOU BEFORE,  There is a major paradigm shift unfolding in 2020 with clues to your future being revealed right now.   The stage is being set by expansive Jupiter, taskmaster Saturn, and transformational Pluto, as they all move into retrograde for the next several months.  That is what I was responding to yesterday, but I got a good long sleep, a few meditation opportunities, and I am feeling more together now.  I know the road forward, I can deal with difficulties – How about you?

The result of this retrograde, and it is a big one, these planetary influences will be slowing down. This slow-down is pushing us to reflect on the changes, and pressures occurring in the world, but also in our individual lives.  You can pretend it is not happening, but yogis, IT IS.

We practising yogis are sensitive to planetary changes.  I haven’t responded to the world  as I am now which is only natural because this is a once in 500 years occurrence…  The last time, this Saturn + Pluto aligned in Capricorn was in 1518…coinciding with the Protestant Reformation. At that time even the Catholic Church went through a major upheaval.

Right now – Saturn, which rules economics, government, and business, is being overhauled by transformational Pluto…I strongly expect and am truely hoping that Governments here and overseas will be substantially restructuring.  Wouldn’t that be good!

Jupiter and Saturn align every 20 years, origin in with them a new cycle of business, politics, and social trends.  Over the past 2 centuries, they have been repeated in Earth signs.  This was a time when we saw the industrial revolution.  Now we will be witness to the technological revolution.

As I have been telling my clients….from December 2020, these planets now retrograde,  will shift into air signs for the next 180 years, which will mark  the birth of a new era, creating enormous shifts in the realms of ideas, communications, freedom, and technology.  You may think there is too much on-line, too much reliance on technology now – just wait!   This prominent shift marks the beginning of full steam ahead for the Information Age, as we reflect on recent technological breakthroughs.  There is the promise of many more shifts to come.

It is not all about tearing down of old structures, there will be healing and re-building.  It is not a bad thing.  For healing to occur we need to know the truth, to repent.. to forgive, and then we can move forward.

I am looking at myself, and asking you – What will be restructured in your life?

I am a Capricorn, and I know that as this Saturn conjunct Jupiter begins,  it’s new major cycle in Capricorn throughout 2020, peaking in Aquarius by December 2020…Jupiter brings the promise of opportunities, as Saturn compels us to work hard to manifest our goals. Capricorns ALWAYS work hard, so this is a good time.  Hard to negotiate, but great results.  

And for you?  If you keep going forward, not losing sight of the road ahead, not being caught up in all the bad/fake news Jupiter will bring you all the rewards you’ve been striving towards.

Essentially…We are about to witness unprecedented changes among Society, Government, and Business trends that will transform the future of our lives, and the Earth itself.

This is no time for looking backward with longing, but for reaching forward with excitement and anticipation… holding close to the “YOGA WAY”.

Have a great, clear day.

Namaste.. Jahne

Dear Yogis…

What a day yesterday – a whirlwind of emotions, frustrations, learnings, acceptances, refusals….  I was warned by both the stars and my pendulum, but I don’t often get in the middle of a retrograde storm, and it was not nice.  The positive energy vortex is where I try to live.


Yesterday I wasn’t sure if I was the person on the empty chair, the empty chair or the sculpture, wooden and waiting.   I feel more on track today which is a good thing.  I was told to get back on the mat frequently today and I have and will.

I am still not sure about zoom CLASSES.  Not because I don’t want to do them (and it is not my favourite thing), but because we are all doing so many things to keep afloat that I just can’t co-ordinate classes for my students.  Either they are too busy or I am too busy.  No time suits us all.  However, I still am keen on monthly teacher training,   and I am exploring other ways to do things.  The monthly in-person class is safe, and maybe a following Sunday on-line teacher training class will be an option.  We’ll see.

Maybe if I can do something via a video and then you can access it whenever you want would be the perfect answer.  Maybe I can do something like that and I am exploring that option.  Until then, from Monday I will be available for on-line zoom consults – one-on-one.  They will be $85 rather than the $125 I charge for in-house.  Theoretically they will be one hour duration.  If you are interested, email me, book a time, Direct Debit the fee,  and I will send you your zoom ID close to the time.  It seems very removed from reality – but it is THE NEW REALITY and I just have to get used to it.

Yesterday, it didn’t help that I was exploring Covid to put in the newsletter, and concerned political parties and others were sending me negative news – it mounted up, gathered force, and soon I was getting all sorts of negativity from all sides, even from students.

I now know how the rest of the world feels.  It helps politicians if we are less alive, less positive,  because then we are less rebellious, more “normal”, more obedient… we are less of a danger to them and more pliable.  If you are really alive, and yoga helps you to be that, you are a danger to everyone who tries to exploit you -who is a parasite.

Who among you would rather die than be a slave, because even death for a fully alive person is not death – it is the culmination of life.  Even when dying he goes on living intensely and totally.  He is not afraid of death, he is not afraid of anything.

Below is a link to an article about Covid and Ventilators.  It is a true article as far as I can tell (and there are not that many), but if you are not wanting to think about it, don’t open it. If you do open it you have the option if at any time you need this facility to choose.  The picture is a whole lot different than the media paint.

Here’s why hospitals use ventilators, how they work, and what happens once you come off one.

I say you my students, that LIFE IS ITS OWN GOAL.  Drop all goals, drop all ideas of the future.  forget completely that there is going to be a tomorrow.  Be totally concentrated on the present moment, the here and now.  In living this way, concentrated on a single moment, we will be able to know life in its eternity.

Remember, from next week I will be available for one on one zoom consults….  Decide on a time by looking on my schedule in “classes” on the web site.  Don’t choose a time when I am teaching please.  We will also have to work around other consults.  Give yourself a few options.  When you do come on line, have your questions organised and written down.  It is amazing how blank your mind goes when you are sitting in front of a screen.  If you would prefer the phone, then that is an option.  We can also do one-on-one keeping in mind all the covid restrictions….washing, health, distancing.  But it is possible.  Payment:$85 for zoom and phone $125 for one-on-one. To book/enquire. Email me:

Another beautiful day in Paradise….

Have a happy sunny day – watch funny movies (laugh a lot)