eblast 13 September 2017
YOGA NEWSLETTER 11th September’17
Today, I am musing on the lecture coming up. Well, not musing exactly, working hard if the case be known. But it is a joy. I am being taken down some very interesting paths. Ground breaking enough that I can look at the work of Drunvalo Melchezideck and think “pretty old fashioned”. He may see angels 7 metres tall, but they haven’t helped clarify the connections for him. Mind you, he has got a heap of videos, where he SLOWLY explores paths that people before him have trod. I am not being allowed that luxury, and am making paths of my own through modern and ancient texts that I hope that you will tread. The Hypermobility was only the first step on the path – now I am looking at The Great “I AM”!
Curiously, in the last ten or so years (may be more) , hatha yoga has somehow come to refer to a style of practicing asana instead of a wide range of practices, including pranayama, cleansing practices, bandhas, mudras, all asanas, and much more. It reminds me of the telephone game where a whispered message goes from ear to ear around the room, to the amusement of all when the last message (often quite garbled!) is compared to the original. Perhaps it’s time to hear from the original sources of hatha yoga and set the record straight. Take a peek at what these guys were really trying to tell us.
In the past when I have taken a fork in the road like this, some folk have taken exception to it, and made threats, so they probably will again. It “sharpens the pencil” so to speak. They didn’t stop me in the past, and they won’t stop me now.
Please use the email address yogafirst@optusnet.com.au for anything to do with accounts, or the usual yogafirst2@bigpond.com. To get to me. If you do want to speak to me personally, then email, make a time suitable for both of us, and then we can chat. If you do it this way, rather than just “wing it”, you can be reasonably sure I have time, and you will get my attention. POSTAL ADDRESS is not at my home – small mail box out in the open means that rain is an issue. Please address all land mail to the address it has always been – PO Box 14, Mt.Macedon. Vic. 3441. Until you see a change written here in large letters, that is where it will be.
I have a new landline. 0354 274 383. But I prefer that you leave a TEXT for me on0402 088 170. Thank you.
HYPERMOBILITY AGAIN. The book and the DVD are available via ETSY. www.myyogabooks.etsy.com Thank you all for the great interest. I am on the second printing of the DVD. It must be good. Keep in mind that this was made for me for yoga teachers, and people who know the body. It is not a Jane Fonda DVD for the beautiful people. It is INFORMATION you can use in your classes, and I urge you to do so. I am revisiting Mukunda Stiles book on Structural Yoga therapy in light of my research , and I think it is going to be most interesting. We used this book as our foundation text at yoga teacher training this weekend – where were you? MARK THIS IN YOUR DIARY>>> PLEASE – DO IT NOW!
I am giving my talk at The Theosophical Society talk on hypermobility (AND THE GREAT “1 AM”), in Melbourne: 1.30 to 4ish on Saturday the 23rd of September. It seemed like a long way away – but it is fast approaching. Please make every effort to go. Take friends, get your class, your teachers to come. It is free. I will be speaking on Mukunda Stiles Book, chakras, ancient texts and bringing in other information that you use in your yoga and reflecting on it in light of my research. Please, Please be there. Hypermobility was only the beginning. It is what led me to where I am now. I could have almost two lectures…. The book and the DVD are onwww.myyogabooks.etsy.com
The girls who got our marketing scholarships are starting to reap the benefits and I have asked for a report to share with you. Ryan Rockwell, the teacher and facilitator is super pleased with the result, and is ready to take on more students if you would like to build your business. There are no scholarships available at present, but don’t let that hold you back. If you would like to move forward, and smash through your income ceiling, then let me know, and I will introduce you to this remarkable Wealth Coach who specializes in yoga schools and studios. Restorative Yoga Therapy – Level 3 RESTORATIVE LEVEL 3
Please keep in mind that RYTA200, level 1 and 2 need to be done BEFORE level 3.These levels all contribute towards helping you to be a better therapist. If you have not almost completed the teacher training course then you won’t have the anatomical and philosophical vocabulary to understand what we are doing. So work on your course, do the Restorative level 1 and 2, and keep this in mind for the next step. Come to my talks, and book for a workshop with me. Or book for a one-on-one to see how I work.
PLEASE NOTE: If you are not teaching then there is no need for insurance. If you are teaching then you will need to be registered, and get insurance. You can buy insurance anywhere, you don’t have to come through us HOWEVER, if you are a student, then there are few companies who will insure you. Ours is one – it used to be the only one.
INSURANCE ALTERNATIVES. AJGallagher seems to be the only one who will insure students who have not graduated but are teaching. I am looking at Dancesurance. They appear to insure students (trainees not yet graduated) cheaply, and, if you have a studio, they are really the only ones who insure this with understanding. Cost for Studio insurance? $276pa. No matter who you use. If you are a student MAKE THIS CLEAR, if you don’t, and need to make a claim, you may discover (too late) that you are not covered.
Thank you all the students who have responded to this call. Registration says you are a member of our school (and proud to be so), and at the very least the income received from the cost of registration allows us to give out scholarships, and help others in their desire to teach. We have a wonderful lineage that goes back through the Gita School to India and Tibet. Support us by being a fabulous teacher, and in time Affiliating with us, and taking our traditions into a complete Teacher Training School of your own.
Please note these have changed.
THE STUDIO – 37 Morris Road.
Tuesdays: 10 am Restorative.
Wednesdays: 12.30 I am making this a teacher training day. If you are a teacher, come. It may be easier for you than the monthly Sunday. You can come to both!
Saturday: Philosophy 11.30 am, Restorative 12.30 pm. THE BENTINCK – on the corner of High Street and Romsey Road, Woodend.
Enter through the Romsey Road gate where you see the yoga sign.
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday: Hatha Yoga 6.30 pm
Wednesday: 5.30 pm Restorative.
Friday: NEW CLASS – Meditation (Yoga Nidra) this is suitable for beginners, and everyone welcome – new, advanced, non-yogis. Everyone welcome. Will do some restorative and gentle flowing movement to open the class.
Saturday: Hatha 10 am, Philosophy 4 pm PLEASE NOTE. THERE WILL BE NO YOGA AT HOME OR AT THE BENTINCK ON SATURDAY THE 23RD OF SEPTEMBER BECAUSE OF THE TALK I AM GIVING AT THE THEOSOPHICAL SOCIETY 1.30 to 4 PM. I WANT YOU TO BE THERE. HYPERMOBILITY AND YOGA: Thank you for those new students who are being drawn to me for specialized yoga classes. When there is a small class, and everyone has hypermobility to some degree, then what happens is magic. Students who have struggled in class and in life see the light – can see that there is help, and can see how to help themselves. After a lifetime of symptoms they now have a cause they can work around.
YOGA class prices at either place, Bentinck or Studio are $15 per class, $135 for a 10 class pass or $100 unlimited for one 4 week month (no extensions – once the month is up the pass is done). Your present passes will be valid until they run out. Restorative Yoga Therapy Consult (including the massage) with Jahne $155 first consult, $125 thereafter. Health Fund Rebate available.
Please note that at the Bentinck, the Medical Clinic that we have all been waiting for is nearing completion, however, more work is being done on the driveways and ambulance bay. If it is full, park opposite. When you are walking to the yoga room mind your step. And get used to DUST, DUST, DUST. Walk carefully, workmen are not tidy – something that will not be lost on you as you enter the toilets. I just can’t clean the plaster and paint off the floors.
The next will be on Sunday 1st October, 2pm to 4pm at my home studio (37 Morris Road in Woodend).
I think this will be an exciting training, as it is after the talk at the Theosophical Society. There will be lots to discuss. Please join us for Teacher Training 2pm to 4pm. There is no need to book. Bring writing materials, and be early. Follow the Japanese Path at the side of the house. There is a notice on the door if you have trouble with direction. If you are a distance ed. student then the cost of the afternoon is $15. If you are a visitor you are most welcome to the teacher training segment – and if you are not formally a student teacher with us then the cost is $20. Come. Park on the white gravel around the house, and in the open yard opposite.
Bendigo Teacher Training classes – every fortnight from 3.30 to 5pm at Crusoeden Body. I will be teaching there the first Tuesday in each month, unless there is a difference noted in this newsletter.. Turn at the Metricon building on the highway in Kangaroo Flat. It is a traffic light intersection, just up from Bunnings. Crusoeden is the building behind Metricon building, and faces Church Street. It’s easy to find. Cost: $15 per class for everyone who attends – thank you.
(Directors – Jayne Boyle – crusoedenbody@bigpond.com). Regular classes held –please email for timetable.
For you who have never used ETSY please visit. It is fabulous and oh so EASY. You will find all our books, our DVD’s and CD’s on ETSY. (The Paul Grilley DVD’s are on our web site shop). Please go to www.myyogabooks.etsy.com. Or www.yogabeautiful.com.au. for the Paul Grilley DVD’s. If you are new and haven’t read about YAMAS, CHAKRAS then I have distilled them for you. Go to myyogabooks site as above and have a look – especially at the new book on Hypermobility.. THE GARDEN
One thing that really grows well in my garden over winter is the RHUBARB. The other day (probably in a daze), I put a handful of frozen stalks into a chicken stew I had in the slow cooker, on the basis that it would be a good source of vitamin c. The effect was remarkable. The acid in the fruit, made the chicken just fall off the bones, but remain sweet and juicy, and the fruit taste was hardly there. A success. Try it. Mind you, I did put in quite a lot of garlic, and other goodies. The resulting stew, left overnight went solid with collagen (jelly) which is what I was aiming for.
The Revelation Tarot which goes in for printing this week. A reminder: You can get readings in person, or on line. I am still to organize skype. To shop for the tarot go to www.myyogabooks.etsy.com THE OFFICE:
EMAIL ADDRESS. There was a problem with the server, but this has been fixed until the next time – For anything, anything at all please email me at yogafirst2@bigpond.com. If you do not your emails may get lost. For money matters please email yogafirst@optusnet.com.au Do not ring unless you have not got email, or you have an urgent question. Email, leave your number and I will get back to you.
So at the moment my TEXT number is 0402 088 170 – preferably leave a text or email. I will return your calls when I can – I am not a slave to either the computer or the phone, so you may find that emails or TEXT (which I always recommend) work out best. The mail address is PO Box 14, Mt.Macedon. Vic. 3441.
I am always as close as your email, and there are those who ring and manage to find me near the phone … Don’t forget to Register, insure and re-subscribe to the videos. Don’t leave these to the last minute. Love and Blessings, Jahne
This newsletter was sent out
By The Australasian Yoga Institute,