Hi Yogis,
I have been sending out a newsletter to you very day since March. This requires me to study, research and write for the newsletter EVERY DAY even my day off, even Saturday and Sunday. I have been saving the philosophy for the workshops and lectures, and using these newsletters for catch-up and timetables.
Covid has caused many changes… I am therefore going to split the list into three.
1. Teachers and Trainee Teachers,
2. Yoga pupils from the class lists (Students),
and 3. People who have purchased products not yogic.
I am also changing the publication days. Teachers, Trainee Teachers and Students Monday/Wednesday and Fridays, and Product Purchasers/Dowsers Tuesdays. THE END. No Thursday, No Saturday and No Sundays until such time as I get more feedback which indicates you would like more. I am a busy girl, and there are lots I would like to do that does not include hours at the computer.
If you don’t want to receive these newsletters please let us know because my web designer can unsubscribe you. Every newsletter we send out counts, and if you don’t want or need one, unsubscribe. If you want to be taken off one group and added to another, once again, let me know.
I am going to send out a ‘YOGA OF LIFE” NEWSLETTER on TUESDAYS. This will give notice of ZOOM DOWSING GROUP MEETINGS/TAROT MEETINGS. How to use a pendulum or rods, how to use these tools for healing, in the garden and more. There will also be a section for THE YOGA OF HEMP.
THE FIRST DOWSING GET-TOGETHER will be a zoom meet-up on Wednesday 16th September at 7.30 to 9pm and as a group we will figure out where to go from there. We might move the day, the time, whatever… a group discussion. Or we may just expand the Saturday pm class which at the moment is making their own tarot decks…
I have been working on a pack of pendulum charts which I will get printed this Thursday so you can download them from Etsy. The TAROT GROUP at the moment are using these charts in their healing work, and learning how to blend the Tarot, and Pendulum to expand the possibilities of their Healing Therapies.
All of our products to you are on www.myyogabooks.etsy.com and gradually I am adding them to our web site store.
No matter what they are, or when they are they are important. Not as lovely as actually coming to class I think. Writing about adjustment, sequencing, etc would have to be a challenge at the present, doing them is even more difficult because the screens never show exactly what is going on – or rather we can’t see it. I am constantly getting up and down trying to see where all the “bits” are. The arms, legs, breathing etc.
Keep in mind please that the classes are organised and paid for by class pass. When you get to 4 or 10 (depending on the number you wish to do per block, please re-subscribe.
If you want to come to lectures, they are paid for by threes (the Tuesday lectures) or one at a time for the Teacher Training, although if you want to pay in larger blocks, then we can do that.
Yes, I am speaking about money, and no, things don’t happen without it. Even I have to pay expenses – I do try to make my charges as reasonable as possible keeping in mind that we all are cash strapped at the present time.. at least until covid has relaxed and we can all get back to work.
The Buddha at no stage said that we have to be poverty stricken. He encouraged his followers to be the best they could be. If you don’t have money, you can’t share it around! I love what I do, and you love what you do – but we still have to pay the rent so to speak.
Come to our zoom classes, lectures and workshops. I would love to see you there.