Good morning my yogis and friends,

Here I am again.  It rained last nite, just when I was going seed collecting today.  Can’t collect wet seed!  But I will still get some greens.

I was talking to a student yesterday who wanted to go foraging and thought accompanying me would be a good idea.  Because it can be a ‘close-up” activity it wouldn’t work at this time – but when we get back to normal it will be fantastic.  Right now I will do a map so you can all see where I “shop nature” I will put it in the booklet of recipes “WILD’NWEEDY”.  Just the most obvious, and recipes, so you can actually use what you have collected.  Even if I did a map, you may trample over tiny plants.   The last time I did something like this I couldn’t get near my favourite place because of the cars, but, I will do it anyway.

This is an unusual time.  A good outcome is that the State Departments of Transport are going to overhaul the train schedules and usage, car registrations, tolls, road usage.  Apparently they have wanted to do this for a long time but didn’t because of the disruption.  Now we already have disruption, and they are doing the right thing.  Not ignoring what is happening.  I think it is a good outcome.  They have quite a long time to achieve a lot.  Even cleaning the trains in a different way has required thought, staff training etc etc… the complications are obvious when you think about them.

Hope you are managing the isolation.  It is quiet, but we can get a lot done.  Like the transport department, do what you have thought about for ages but haven’t done because of the disruption it may cause.  We have the disruption, so no more excuses.  The sky is the limit.  I used to take the kids foraging, they loved it (especially seeing that sometimes I would give them a day or so away from school on the basis I was “home schooling”) , then we would come home and cook what we had collected, and even swap things with neighbours..  Even fresh milk could be left at a letter box – which is where deliveries used to happen before dairies, bottles and cartons.  You might say “I can’t”, but really “YOU CAN”.

Don’t forget.  My booklet HOW (AND WHY) YOGA WORKS is on  You said you wanted it.  I used the time to do Part one and it is on ETSY.  By the time you have read Part One, I will have Part Two done.  I am also working on the book of recipes called “Wild’nWeedy”.

NAMASTE.   JAHNE  Stay well and safe.