Dear Yogis,

TUESDAY: 7.30 to 9pm.  YOGA lecture. The Chakras.
Next Tuesday:  1.30pm THE TAO OF WATERCOLOUR – Making beautiful cards/paintings from your doodles.

REGISTRATION:  At this time of the year it might be a good idea to glance at your registration papers.  Is your membership still current. Everyone who re-registers between now and the end of October will receive one of my beautiful Small Pendulum Charts (17cm x17cm)  and a Purse size chart FREE.   That is two charts FREE so you will never be without one.  I wasn’t sure how useful they would be, after all we have the large one, but these are perfect.  I have the medium one near my computer and the tiny one in my purse with my travelling pendulum.  If you use your pendulum as a friend, and have it near you all the time, you will use these charts often..  REGISTER TODAY.  Email me to get your application for re-registration.



Here’s a thought.  Like the plastic wrap you use to keep your celery fresh, your to-do list is IMMORTAL.  Mine will live on even when I die.  My daughter will get to read it and think I am nuts..  Every day we get a chance to drive ourselves crazy with the thought that we are “lazy”, not good enough, or not doing enough.  Every day you have the opportunity to practice stress or practice PEACE.   Keep in mind you have a CHOICE.  A CHOICE.  All it takes is a willingness to change and some common sense.  There are only so may hours in a day, we all have the same.  Use them wisely.

We live in a very worried, stressed culture and Covid is making this worse.  Prior to the pandemic 70% to 90% of visits to primary care physicians are attributable to stress.  When I first came to the Macedon Ranges there were few doctors, one or two for each of the little clusters of communities.  Not only could you easily get an appointment, the doctors and their small staffs had time for yoga.  Now there are 20 and more doctors where there used to be one or two (multiplied by medical offices springing up all over the Shire, plus specialists etc.).  In spite of the huge increase in doctors and support staff, you can’t get an appointment, hardly anyone values yoga, and fewer come to class.  There are many who go to the doctor who just need comfort, not medication.  People who need someone to talk to, something to give meaning to their day. The doctors themselves need to de-stress.  You can help.

We all have skills we don’t use.  Change is more exciting and certainly easier when you share your intentions and your wins with someone you care about, or a close group.  If you need support, you could consider bringing together an “Inner Peace Group” so that you can check in with each other about ideas, and progress.  In this way you can create a small supportive community where love and understanding can live and grow.

In the middle of this Pandemic, techniques for de-stressing are very important.  There is going to be an avalanche of needy students as the months move towards Christmas and the new year.  When the monetary aid is removed and scaled down we will really see where the help is needed. This will be a new kind of pandemic, visible and invisible, but like Covid, worldwide.

As the Dalai Lama reminds us, we are all the same,  we are all alike in our desire for happiness and the need to avoid suffering. The answer is simple but it is not easy. You can start at the beginning.  Baby steps, baby steps.