Dear Yogis,

It has been a wonderful weekend don’t you think so?  The weather has been hot (which I don’t mind when there are no bush fires – although I know it is “when” not “if”), I have been hugely happy and motivated, just because I am, and we have had some extraordinary zoom sessions.  All good.  Read everything below, if you are interested in any of the offerings please email me at to start a conversation.

The world is devoted to holidays – I am devoted to you and to God.  What do you worship?  Money, power, your job, a person, a family?  Everyone worships someone, and everyone SERVES SOMEBODY (as Bob Dylan said on this first album after he 
became “Godly” or Christian – “SLOW TRAIN COMING”.. ) 

BEES:  My bee keeper has my bees ready for re-introduction in my yard in time for next spring, and it occurs to me that some of you out there would like to come here to the studio and learn how to go about this, the equipment required, the time, the timing for your yard, the cost?  If you are interested please let me know. He can also teach you how to manage the bees when you have them.  They are not like kittens – they need quite a lot of special attention.

MONDAY HYPERMOBILITY CLASS, 6.30pm.  This is with super motivated students, so no trouble with “homework” or extra curricular reading.  They do it whether I ask or not.  I wonder where we will go from here..

TUESDAY SUTRA CLASS.  7.30 pm.   I didn’t plan this, but we are nearly to the end of this study.  Of course we could take it to the end of the year, but unless you had a specific interest, we have taken this forward in a way that we can apply it to our daily life – and I think that is what the students were looking for.

Maybe  (as it is a longer class) this is the slot for my GOOD BREATH classes.  I wondered what to call this and would like to morph the classes into workshops.

It is more than yoga breath, it can be rejuvenating to mind. body and spirit.  There are no chants, no breath “recipes”… just a state of mind..  Change your mind – change your life! Once you have accepted that things can’t get worse – THEY GET BETTER.  Change your life into one of ease and abundance.

Perfect love really does cast out fear.  Perfect love is loving yourself without setting any conditions. Maybe this is the time of the week we will begin to explore the BREATH.  A practical inspirational view…  I know that studying the breath sounds pretty hum-drum, however it is anything but. This is life changing.  I am looking for people who want to teach this to others.

Most people try to set up the game so that they will have a safe place to process and be real…  I am hoping that this training will help us to dissolve barriers and fears to loving.

THE FREE TAROT CLASSES ON FRIDAYS AT 6.45pm.  It thought for a while these were going no-where and considered cancelling, but I now find them inspirational, and the consistent students have grown so much it is hard to remember the “broken children” they were.  I am now able to pass students along to them knowing all will be well.

THE TAROT/ART CLASSES ON SATURDAY AT 2PM. ……those who have consistently attended have grown in their abilities and their enthusiasm at tackling new and different projects.  I am sure they are bringing these learnings to their own group, or will do so in the future.  At the moment most are engrossed in making their own “secret” book boxes.  Next Saturday’s class (the 30th January) will be at the Studio in Woodend – even if only one student attends.  I will be happy for that.  “Nothing happens that is not ordained by Allah – trust Him”.

SUNDAY MORNING GITA CLASS.  Once again, an inspiration.  We are nearly through the Gita.  This morning we discussed Chapter 14/15, there are 18 chapters, so next week we shall have to consider if we repeat (I read the bible every day, so reading the Gita once a week is not exactly over-kill),.

When we have concluded this study,  we will begin the study of THE PASSIONATE LIFE OF RUMI (and Shams).  It is not dry, but it is a look into the life of a person brought up reading the Qur’an. A sultan, an academic, a person with great community responsibilities, who meets real and passionate love for the first time..  who discovers His spiritual self, and changes the world.

“At any moment, if God wills the entire creation could sink into non-being..
At any moment,  if God wills, the mountains could disappear and become as clouds vanishing…
At any moment, if God wills, we could be as if we had never existed… (Rumi)