Good morning Yogis,
We are back to winter again here.  I didn’t turn the heating system off entirely and I am glad I didn’t.  Sunny but freezing.
ZOOM: Sorry, no more zoom until January, although you can have a zoom consultation with me any time. Email me for a zoom appointment.  We will beginning a new CCP class in January, as well as the usual Teacher Training and Tarot.
STUDIO:Monday 1pm, Wednesday 5.30 and Friday 5.30.  Last class for the year December 20th.
There are many wonderful herbs that we can prepare into tasty teas that’ll give us the support we need this season – right in our tea cups! For added immune support and heart health, try a big mug of this sweetly spiced herbal tea!  There are enough herbs here to make a pot.. so you will have plenty for top ups – you could even make tea bags.
Berry and Flower Spice Tea
1 teaspoon dried elderberry berries
1 teaspoon dried Hawthorn leaves
1 teaspoon dried calendula flowers
1 teaspoon dried rose petals
1 teaspoon cinnamon chips or 1 cinnamon stick
½ teaspoon dried ginger root powder or ½” piece fresh ginger root, chopped
12 fl oz boiling hot water
Get this full recipe will help bolster the immune system, provide essential vitamin C and other nutrients, support digestion and good circulation, and soothe the nerves and while encouraging a healthy response to stress!  And who doesn’t want that! Try it soon.  The Hawthorn bushes are still bursting with shoots and life, soon there will be berries.
I am nearly finished the first print of Australian Mushrooms. I hope to be printing it next week… if you have a friend who is a mushroom fanatic, you can get this print as a stocking stuffer.  I didn’t think I would be able to get it printed before Christmas – but I have.  Just lucky I guess.
This too is nearly finished.
 The book contains details of the flowers of the garden and fields, the essences and their uses, how yoga and Ayurveda fits with this philosophy, the Gem essences, and how to help our pets.  You can also learn how to make essences for yourself, and how to prescribe for family and friends.  When I looked at the cost of Bach flower remedies I could see that preparing this way which is what Bach intended, then you would be able to take control of your health, and save money.

Bach worked so hard with his flowers and essences so that everyone would be in control of their own health, and take it out of the hands of “professionals”.  He believed that illness and disease came into the body because of the condition of the mind and emotions, feelings.  This aligns to what we believe in yoga.

“In illness there is a change of mood from that in ordinary life, and those who are observant can notice this change often before, and sometimes long before, the disease appears – and by treatment can prevent the malady ever appearing”.
– from The Twelve healers and other Remedies by Edward Bach.
There is still time to see me on the mat.
Namaste. Jahne