Dear Yogis,
Everyday there are invitations in my inbox relating to business and personal lectures and zooms, mainly about dealing with the world we find ourselves in, However, in the main they are looking in the wrong place.. The answer as we all know, lies within. Not within the computer but within you.
In Term 4 I am going to have an afternoon of “MEDITATION IN EVERYDAY LIFE”. This Sensory Awareness, like Zen Meditation, is not a teaching but a practice.
Our aim is not the acquisition of skills, but the freedom to explore sensitively and to learn from that exploration. At the workshop we propose experiments and ask questions directed towards the possibility of experiencing – the student’s own explorations which he must go into for himself, at his own pace, even though he will be sitting and working within a group.
The attitude we seek is that of a child. One of oneness and consciousness, allowing whatever becomes conscious in our present state, the time it needs to become clearer to us. As we come to a more inner quiet and clarity, a great deal happens by itself . What you may consider to be thinking, is actually a repetitive compulsive occupation of consciousness with loose associations, cliches and calculations which lead us away from fuller consciousness.
An integral part of this (first) workshop will be discovering what is natural and what is conditioned, what is our nature and what has become our second nature which keeps us apart.
If you would like to join us, please let me know. We can take an afternoon away from the world and work on this. It is not a dour, hard, zen workshop – it is a workshop of experience. . We will start with, “COMING TO OUR SENSES” – SATURDAY 15TH OCTOBER, 1.30 TO 4PM. (Maximum of 8 students. Cost: $25 – Early Bird, before the 15th October $20).
Fees FROM 3rd October (new term) $220 per term.
Monday – the 1pm class ONLY deferred until term 4 (re-starting 3rd October). This hopefully will allow everyone to take care of families and school holidays for that 1 hour per week.
Monday 2.15 class as usual
Tuesday 1.30 Teaching at Windarring
Wednesday 1pm Hatha and 2.15 teacher training as usual
Friday 2.15 as usual.
MEDITATION IN EVERYDAY LIFE – A WORKSHOP. “COMING TO OUR SENSES” – SATURDAY 15TH OCTOBER, 1.30 TO 4PM. (Maximum of 8 students. Cost: $25 – Early Bird, before the 15th October $20).
GALLERY at MT.MACEDON 8th and 16th October from 10am to 1pm.
ZOOM TEACHER TRAINING 6.30 Monday (The Sutras) STUDIO TEACHER TRAINING 2.15 Wednesday in the Studio.
NEW – SATURDAY BOTANICAL ART CLASS: “GIVE IT A GO” with Jahne. 4 x 2 hour classes from SUNDAY 9th October, 2.30pm to 4.30 $75 for members of The Botanical Art Society of Australia, ($85 non-members). Location: Woodend, Victoria.
I WILL SEE YOU IN CLASS (or at the Gallery)