Hi there Yogis,

I am so happy.  I have been asking you for a little feedback for some time, just a little, and acknowledgement only to know you are out there benefitting from my various musings… and in the main, most of you, (not all of you – there are exceptions) have remained aloof – left me guessing if you are out there or not.

But guess what!  I am so busy. My students are returning to yoga after the anxiety of covid and lockdowns – thank you, thank you – I am after all a teacher.

Plus,  people love my dolls, have ordered Angel Paintings, and I can hardly keep up with the people who want my renovated, reconditioned “trauma” bears.  The ambos love them especially and yesterday I gave the balance of my small ones suitable for their ambulances where space is at a premium, how good is this!  So, God is looking after me.  The photo on the left is of my work table where there is a little family waiting to be sent to their next home.  If you have a special person who needs a YOGAFIRST CARE-BEAR to love, make an appointment to come and see me and collect one.  Or PayPal $15.00 for a package and an express sack and i will send you one or two bears.  There is no charge for the bears, just for the packing and postage. Let me know the person and I will chose something appropriate.  They are “care/trauma bears”.… for someone in recovery, in trauma, or someone in aged care – you know what I mean.  They are not children’s stocking stuffers – remember the yamas.

If you want to see my own “designer dolls”, (more like fabric sculptures than dolls), you will find them (and me) at The Mt.Macedon Gallery beside The Trading Post,  starting on Saturday morning the 8th October, and then on Sunday the 16th.  I will be there between 10am and 1pm.  My work will be there from the first week in October.  The Gallery is open Fri, Sat, Sun, Mon, Tues, from 10am to 4pm.  If you order a YOGAFIRST CARE-BEAR, you can pick one up from me at this time.  They are not on display, I will bring one from home for you.  Email me to make sure there is one ready for you.

Did you watch the funeral of the Late HMQ?

It was fascinating.  Like my son when he was young, I sat in front of the telly with my sketch book and captured the images that stood out to me.  Little details and big that I thought I might forget (everything is about the detail).  It too 30 years to plan the funeral, but I liked Prince Philip’s better – his was so GREEK and so sparse, mind you it did happen during Covid.

I did record both (HMQ’s and Philips), but I am sure there will be DVD’s or some such that one will be able to buy with the full production.  I will buy one.  There were so many “angelic” images.  Great for later artistic,  angel research.


STUDIO YOGA CLASS TIMES (yogabeautiful.com.au)
Fees FROM 3rd October (new term) $220 per term.
Mondaythe 1pm class ONLY deferred until term 4 (re-starting 3rd October).  This hopefully will allow everyone to take care of families and school holidays for that 1 hour per week.
Monday 2.15 class as usual
Tuesday 1.30 Teaching at Windarring
Wednesday 1pm Hatha and 2.15 teacher training as usual
Friday 2.15 as usual.

GALLERY at MT.MACEDON 8th and 16th October from 10am to 1pm.

ZOOM TEACHER TRAINING 6.30 Monday (The Sutras)  STUDIO TEACHER TRAINING 2.15 Wednesday in the Studio.

“GIVE IT A GO” with Jahne.
 4 x 2 hour classes from SUNDAY 9th October, 2.30pm to 4.30 $75 for members of The Botanical Art Society of Australia, ($85 non-members). Location: Woodend, Victoria.


I WILL SEE YOU IN CLASS (or at the Gallery)