Good morning yogis…. (“Keep Calm and Carry on” is the message)
You know me, I have been your teacher for a long time now. I was talking to my son about this crisis… he said “mum it is not about you”. How could he think that? YES, IT IS ABOUT ME! If I don’t motivate myself, I can’t motivate anyone else. If I don’t stay above this, how can I counsel my students and clients from across the planet, helping them not to lose heart, to stay the course? It is the same for you. It is about you too. By my very nature, I’m very optimistic. That’s why I do the blog, the videos, the newsletter…
If you are a yogi and you are teaching – make no mistake….you are in business. I would much rather search for opportunities, than stare at problems. How about you?
Just like what Sam Walton (founder of Walmart the third-largest retailer in the US) had to say when asked how he has thrived during an economic contraction.
“I’ve thought about it, but I have chosen not to participate.”
And I too, have chosen not to participate… it does not mean that I am not taking care of the physical, the health guidelines. That is a given. It means I am not thinking doom and gloom.
Think about Jenny Craig, and other meal services. Do you think meal delivery services like hers are failing, or cleaning services. No. Are they advertising less, have they cut down on what they are providing? Not them. In this atmosphere they are growing. Because they understood that their offers went from being merely convenient, i.e. not needing to cook and clean, in this crisis, they became almost a necessity for some folk dealing with a changed home environment, still having to work, and being unable to get the usual fast food in the supermarkets. Even more time poor than usual – and fearful..
The lesson here.
How can you position your school, your classes, to solve an immediate solution to a pressing problem, or create a unique opportunity created by this contraction? When you advertise in one direction you may get the results from somewhere else. Even better than you may have considered. “Keep calm and carry on”.
Learn from the past….
When consumers and businesses get back to their normal routines, we’re going to see a V-shaped rebound driven by pent-up consumer demand. Your job is to find a way to hang in there so you will be around when everything returns to what we call “normal”.
And the yogis that will be positioned to take advantage of this will be the ones who didn’t stop moving and shaking.
My advice?
*Don’t be scared. Fear will debilitate your immune system,
*Wake up every day to good music, good yoga and optimism.
*Use this opportunity to advance your company.
*Invest in yourself.
*Invest in your business.
*Advance when others are retreating…
Let me know what you are doing to stay in the game… We are ALL interested.
Having said all that. My yoga classes though protracted will still be functioning on a limited basis using all the guidelines. I have updated the web site, go there for details of our classes. As the situation changes, we will.
The Minister has also indicated that the Department of Health is now developing full allied health telehealth options, along with other health and medical services, within the week. This will be part of a staged plan and he encourages providers to continue vital face-to-face services where possible. The Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency has also advised that we should continue to provide health services provided that it is safe to do so, that we follow currrent guidelines for infection prevention and control and all other hygiene measures. We are applying the available guidelines for Social Distancing for your and our safety. If you have had contact with someone with coronavirus, you must follow the guidelines on self-isolation. For information see Isolation Guidance. If you are unwell with any symptoms that may be coronavirus, please follow the Home isolation guidance when unwell (suspected or confirmed cases).
That being said, there will be no Teacher Training this month. It is only one day, and we will be back on the 3rd May. I will get back to you (even daily) as I find ways to help you through this…
Later in the day check out my blog I will be updating it daily, and the videos ditto. “jahne hope-williams you tube”.
Namaste. Stay Strong – Jahne