Dear Students, Friends and all those clinging to their computers…
KCCO = KEEP CALM AND CARRY ON. The best advice at this time. I would have done a larger message, but I have been inundated with emails asking for help in getting through this – and answered them first. Just the tip of the iceberg I think. Please, go to my blog, and to my facebook page. I will go there as often as I can and put up there what i think will help.
I have made some olive leaf extract. You only need a few drops 3 or four times a day (not teaspoons). It builds the respiratory system, and is protective. Those students who have used it for a couple of years have gone from multiple experiences of heavy colds and flu per year, to just one or two manageable experiences. So, I think it is effective. I make it – it does take time, and the best ingredients… I use it. It is not magic, you have to do other things as well. It does contain vodka – sorry, as in other herbal remedies….there is no way to make it, and have it be as effective without this ingredient.
The cost is just $12.50 per dropper vial, plus postage (In Coles a large bottle from which you advised to consume by the teaspoon is about $30 depending on “sale” times). I would be super happy if you could make this purchase (the remedy $12.50 plus an amount for postage/donation – $9.50+) a donation to the foundation. Commonwealth Bank Woodend. 063 806 1020 0584 The GitaJaia Yoga Foundation. Among other things, this will make it possible for me to spend much more time supporting students via email, blog and videos. Students/families/schools who are having a hard time managing in this crisis. When I get the order from you, and the Direct Debit Receipt, I will send the remedy to you. I will be putting it on Etsy.
In this studio, I will be here doing RESTORATIVE yoga for classes of a maximum of 5 people who have been regular attendees..timetable for restorative as usual. Please bring a towel to pop on your mat, and your own hand sanitiser if you need that (we do have water and soap). If you have a cold, or are unwell, please adhere to the national guidelines. No new students, sorry.
Thank you. Namaste. Jahne