Dear Yogis,
Monday was like spring early on – sunshine and bluish skies…but now Woodend weather has arrived, and the sunshine is patchy and it looks like rain again.
ZOOM: Monday 6.30 teacher training, Tuesday 7.30 The Tibetan Book of the Dead – CCP repeat. Friday 6.45 Tarot, Sunday 10am CCP
STUDIO: Monday 1pm, Wednesday 5.30 Restorative Yoga, Friday 5.30 Hatha
FAST TRACK- Have you got stuck in your Teacher Training Course? Would you like to get your certification quickly. Now that we can zoom, we can fast track your course and do the exam on zoom. There will be a charge, we have always charged for this to cover expenses, but now things are simpler, no travel required, just time and expertise. If you are interested email me and we can set a time…
THE DEVILThe Devil asks..
1. Knowing that attachment causes suffering, which attachment which no longer serves you, could you release?
2. What “limitations” would support you at this time?
3. Who or what have you been seeing in a negative light and how could you change this?
4. What boundaries you have set for yourself and need to review?
I have been working on a series of watercolours on TEA BAGS. One per day, and I have kept the pace. The subject matter has mainly focussed on nature, but I have also painted buildings and landmarks… When I have enough I will put them into an exhibition, but to see various new images go to my studio page.
Having said I wouldn’t go on INSTAGRAM, I have, in order to show the paintings as I progress with them……. I don’t have a computer mind and there are no children at home, so when I find a complication I have no-where to go to figure it out. I have made mistakes and duplications, but I am getting better and a photo of the day’s painting goes up each evening… It is not my favourite way of doing things – I would like to go back to real art galleries with real art shows, but I guess that this is unlikely to happen. Everyone is sticking close to home.
I am so pleased that yoga is back in the studio. The numbers are restricted, but we are back. Are you back? If you are feeling great, the best place to be is on the mat, not in front of the TV, not moping around taking “another” walk, or washing the walls again. The yoga mat is your “country”. Your yoga mat is where you leave your troubles on the outside and get inside. A place to CHANGE YOUR MIND. Until your mind changes, nothing does.