Dear Yogis,
Keeping in mind that this is the only way I have to speak to you all -Today we are looking at HERBAL WONDERFULS. If you look at herb companies you will find that many of the staples for colds, flu and respiratory complaints are out of stock. But not here! My garden is bursting with new life in spite of the cold weather and I have lots of unusual herbs not available elsewhere at the moment. Have you wondered why they are out of stock? Because THEY WORK and people are buying LOTS, especially those herbs which work on the immune system and respiratory issues. I am nearly finished the booklet and will put it in the shop and on Etsy when it is ready to download.

I have Dried my herbs. All organically grown, all picked at the perfect time and dried within an hour of picking. You can’t get better than that. Add $3 for postage to all herbs. All these herbs are easy to use. Simple to use in fact.
Keep in mind that they are very light, so 2 grams might not seem much, but it goes a long way. Why are they expensive? Easy, they are not imported, I grow them, collect early in the morning, then they are dried, trimmed and dehydrated before all the packaging process. It is fiddly, but you will see it is worth it. You can of course process your own. These are herbs are all easily available in your garden (except Damiana).

CLEAVERS (sticky weed). $4.50 for 10 grams. You might dismiss this as a nuisance in your garden, but I use it as a green in soups, stews, and pestos (steam first). The seeds can ground and be used as a coffee substitute. The dried herb steeped in oil is good for aching bones and muscular issues. Fresh, steeped over time in white wine with mint it becomes a lovely aperitif.
HERB ROBERT $3.50 for 3 grams. This is a herb that it being explored for its anti cancer properties. Especially good as a tea in cases of cancer of the mouth and aesophagus. I use it every day in soups, salads, stews, omelettes. Every meal feature this herb just because I like it and I have plenty. It tastes lovely and it is reputed to have cancer beating properties. I used to think it was a weed, now I encourage it.
OLIVE LEAF. $15.00 for 5 grams. Fantastic to relieve respiratory symptoms (quickly). My clients and I use this daily during the flu season. It is magic that is why Olive Leaf Extracts are on sale everywhere. Coles prices go up and down, mine don’t.. It is my most used and loved go-to tincture.
DAMIANA. $8.50 for 10 g. This is not grown in my garden. It is a South American herb, credited with assisting in drug and alcohol recovery, nicotine and drug withdrawal. It is relaxing, calming. You may like it if you suffer from insomnia, anxiety and depression. Historically used for bladder issues.. This has long been used as a substitute for other “relaxing” herbs. If you have sleep problems, this is the herb for you. It promotes pleasant dreams. It is not recommended for people who suffer from HBP, liver problems, diabetes, or during pregnancy.
All herbs need to be used with care. Please investigate, use sparingly then increase the dosage gently. I am not a trained herbalist and grow herbs I can use in salads and stews. Damiana is not one of these. Use with care. The old adage, “if in doubt, DON’T”, applies.
BLUEBERRY LEAF, RASPBERRY LEAF, ELDERBERRY FLOWERS, and HAWTHORN and more (not available until spring).
If you are interested in any of these herbs which come with instructions, we can post them to you. Just email your order to me (I will put them in our shop when I have the photographs required).
This is my first week teaching Restorative via ZOOM. If you want to come to a Restorative Yoga class – they are Monday at 1pm, Wednesday at 12.30 and 5.30, Friday at 5.30 and Saturday at 12.30. If you want to join us you will need props. For the Restorative with Weights and Straps you will need weights, or a couple of small cans of pet food, a strap of some kind, a blanket and a cushion. For Restorative – a blanket, a couple of cushions, a mat. Better to have a selection than not enough. Bring them to the Zoom class.
Because it is my first ZOOM YOGA and I will be learning the limitations of the system, please be patient. We will get better. If you need more props you can go get them during class.
TEACHER TRAINING is this coming Sunday at 10am, and the Hypermobility lecture will be on Tuesday at 7.30 – this week is the third of three session. Both are ongoing. Teacher Training is paid for by session. If you are doing teacher training this is extra to the course as it is optional, and Hypermobility is $35 for three. Don’t forget to put the time you spend with me in your passport.
Remember, dreaming BIG takes the same effort as dreaming small. Martin Luther King said “You don’t need to see the whole staircase, just take the first step”. Imagine this. Two dinosaurs sitting on a beach watching as the ark sails into the sunset. One dinosaur to the other..”…was that today?” (and we know what happened to the dinosaurs).