Dear Yogis,
The other day I was saying to a student what magnificent help our own olive leaf extract has been in relieving chesty symptoms, the sort of chesty symptoms that come back every year or from a cold or flu(not covid respiratory distress). You don’t have to wait, you take half a dropper full in your orange juice or water…and within the hour the symptoms are alleviated or gone. It has been magical for me and for my clients.
I told my student how to make it, but in spite of the simplicity, she was reluctant. To make it easier I am drying some and can supply the right amount for your initial bottle. A month or two’s supply, maybe more. All you need is a glass jar, some cheapish vodka and my dried olive leaves.
METHOD: Put the olive leaves in a jar, cover with vodka, leave for a few weeks. Take off a dropper bottle full and leave the balance until you get to the end, then throw the dregs away and begin again. Simplicity itself.
Cost of the dried leaves ready to use: $10 including postage. Because they are very light there is not huge postage costs.For those of you who won’t take salt,
I am also drying some saltbush leaves. The perfect answer to sprinkle over anything that requires salt. Don’t forget that you can eat the salty succulent called PIGS FACE. The seeds are juicy, and the “leaves” are quite salty. They can be used with dishes that have a strong taste. Baked celiac for instance. As soon as the leaves come back I will have raspberry leaves, black currant leaves, rose leaves, and hips and so on.
The words of wisdom I would like to share is this. “YOU CAN MAKE A MILLION EXCUSES OR A MILLION DOLLARS”. You know what I mean. You may not want a million dollars, you may just want to live debt free. You may just want to feel secure in the direction you are going. The difference between you and those who do is that they know that if they have committed to WHAT they believe then the HOW will show up.
They don’t know how the inner GPS works, they just know that it does. When you dial an address into your GPS the voice tells you when to drive straight ahead, when to turn and when you are there. You may not know HOW the GPS works, what particular satellite it bounces off, the physics involved, but you do trust that it works because you have experienced it. Do you remember the first time you used it – it was hard to believe it would work wasn’t it? Other people told you it would work. The more you use it, the more you/we are able to trust it. Your inner GPS is the same. Use it – it is a gift.
ZOOM CLASSES: THE COMING WEEK.. Please register your interest by emailing me at
MONDAY 1pm: Easy Restorative with weights and straps. Props – two weights (or two cans of pet food), and a strap or a mans tie, a blanket or throw for meditation
TUESDAY 7.30pm: Hypermobility 3rd in the first 3 Lectures. Ongoing.
WEDNESDAY 12.30: Restorative with Weights/ Straps and 5.30 Restorative. Ongoing
FRIDAY 11am Get-Together (social bring a coffee and snack). Ongoing
SATURDAY 12.30 Restorative…… and 2pm TAROT TRAINING
SUNDAY 10am Teacher Training (new time – usually 2pm)
I look forward to seeing you at any or all. If the class you want is not here… please let me know and we will give you a start date.