Dear Yogis,
Warmish weather, but thank goodness we are having some of each. Cool then warm then cool and so on. Lessens the fire danger somewhat. I have been cutting back trees, getting rid of leaves, tidying the ivy… everything to increase safety around my house, mind you, nothing much is safe if a fire is approaching, even bare ground burns – but we do what we can.
WHEN DOES CLASS START? On the 10th January both in the studio and on-line. Teacher Training, CCP, Tarot, HERBS. So, be prepared for your zoom ID’s starting to arrive from next weekend… Read the drop downs or the front page of the web site for updates.
No studio, no zoom classes until the 10th, and then we can truely say “welcome to 2022”. Right now, I am learning to enjoy the down time. I have been making more Bach remedies (and teaching others), and thinking how can I get you involved.
I would love to run a Bach Herb course centred around my garden. And have planned something over about 5 weekend classes… where you could come here, learn about the herbs, relax… learn to make the remedies for yourself – and learn to use the pendulum when you make them. We even have a creek nearby where we can stock up on rock water both as a remedy, and an integral part of making the remedies. I could try and zoom the sessions afterwards.
TATTOOS: What’s up? The Christmas “difficulty” of not having no.5’s and everywhere being “sold-out” until they too get stocks. Hopefully by the time you make an appointment, and then arrive in time to take advantage of my JANUARY $50 Special (Tiny Tattoos/black or henna colour/size of a 50cent piece) I will have my favourite number 5RL tattoo needles. I have them ordered all over the place – to my home and to the PO box, so when they do come, it will be all at once I am sure. Just make your booking with me and it will all work out I am sure.
ART: Every afternoon and most evening I settle down to drawing, and at the moment am putting together a set of drawings of MAGIC MUSHROOMS. The FABULOUS FUNGI poster is available, and then there will shortly be posters of MAGIC MUSHROOMS and then MEDICINAL MUSHROOMS. Eventually this will make up a set of three posters – and if you are getting serious about herbs, these too will look great on your studio wall. Everyone is interested in mushrooms. They come in a postal tube – not folded as in the photograph.