Dear Yogis,
MONDAY: 1pm Yoga Class 6.30pm Hypermobility
FRIDAY: 5.30pm Restorative Studio Class (depending on lock-down being lifted) 6.45 The FREE Pendulum/Tarot class.
SATURDAY: 10am THE BREATH WORKSHOP (you all should join this), 2pm THE TAROT/ART GROUP
To those who got there on time and ready – Thank you for coming to the Gita Study Group on Sunday morning.
Following are some thoughts I have had since the class, about you teaching your students or you serving your community however small or large it may be, relevant to what we discussed in the Gita Study group whilst we shared. We are starting the Gita from the beginning again – you could join us.
Teaching is opening your door to the world. If students come in through that door, they are admitting they have a need, but they don’t come empty handed. Everyone who comes to yoga is in pain – mental, emotional, spiritual or physical. They come with anxieties and issues (and excuses) because they need guidance, direction however, most are just “kicking tyres” as we say. They are not serious. They are looking for a miracle – even a small one, AND THEY COME WITH ALL KINDS OF EXPECTATIONS. They want change as long as they are not the ones who have to change.
When students come with their mind already made up, guess what, no-one can satisfy them (no matter how hard you try). They go away from the class disappointed, and they blame YOU. Disappointment is about what they EXPECT to find. It is not about your class. Sometimes our student’s expectations are so high we cannot ever satisfy them, they therefore get disappointed. That is why we must rest in our own teacher, our texts, our classes, our notes, our study. We need to know who we are, and where we are, and we need enough wisdom to go out into the world teaching and serving, and then come back to our class (or our reading/our notes) for our own healing.
In order that we can teach, we need to separate ourselves from our student’s imperfections, whilst feeling all they feel with compassion. We have to separate ourselves from these realities in order to speak truth. You cannot lead people you are afraid of, or bound by. If you are not careful, you can get trapped by their expectations and needs. This means you cannot teach objectively and therefore cannot speak the truth they need to hear. A true friend will always tell the truth – with love.
Teaching requires – consistency, maturity, strength, and decisiveness. And I believe, a conviction in your heart that you have been gifted. A total package to a Divine Vocation – YOGA TEACHER. You will be bringing your students out of darkness into the light. However, if you are afraid of people, if you don’t love them, then you can’t lead them and you certainly can’t teach them..
Leadership is setting the example. You need to be both close and separated in order to love, and in order to teach..
Leadership is about having good judgement. Truth brings the conviction necessary for change. What separates us from illusion is truth. If you seek comfort you will not find the truth – if you seek the truth you MAY find comfort. ALL TRUTH IS CONFRONTATIONAL, not in a harsh way – but you sometimes need to stand your ground and deliver a truth gently but firmly. It is not “grey”. Truth is what brings what is necessary for change, growth and maturity. Love is the willingness to tell the truth – and only the truth that will set you free. Telling the truth will not make you popular, you may make enemies – that often happens when you tell the truth.
Are you courageous enough to be a teacher? A YOGA TEACHER?