GOOD MORNING FRIENDS AND LOVELIES…. It’s Thursday, my day off and I miss you already!
Just a reminder. We have the lunch on Friday 28th at Mt.Macedon Hotel at 12.30.. (I can’t make 12pm this time either – the last lunch some of you struggled with the time – so 12.30 it is!). Husbands and partners welcome.
TAROT: The new course starts on Saturday 14th March, 2pm to 4pm. If you have been before, you will learn something new, so don’t let that stop you from coming.
TAROT PENDULUM/TEA-LEAF READINGS: You can come in person, or you can access them on line. Available at, or you can go to
Above is the tea leaf reading chart (available at etsy), and my beautiful Chinese bowl and tea. I look forward to seeing you. When i had my little tea rooms (which is now the Art Gallery behind the Trading Post), I used to read the tea leaves for people every day… they travelled from far and wide and I got a great thrill out of the work. It is the same as the pendulum, the tarot or Tyler Henry’s scribbling whilst he reads people. It keeps the monkey mind engaged so that the superconscious can come forth. I can read for you while you are in front of me, or I can do it at a distance. You just need to have your questions organised (or not), and order a reading via either of the two sites given above. I will log more alternatives regarding the focus of a reading so that you can be specific. But really, all you need to do is ask, and what comes, comes. There is also a blog at
See you at Mt.Macedon.
Namaste. Jahne