Dear Yogis,

Wednesday again. More is happening in the studio as students get over their FOGO (Fear of going out) and come back to class.  It must be emphasised that here at the studio we ask that our students comply with the covid requirements primarily because we have people coming to class who are severely immune compromised.

STUDIO YOGA – Monday 1pm, Wednesday 5.30 and Friday 5.30
ZOOM: MONDAY  6.30 GITA,   TUESDAY 7.30 HERBAL WORKSHOP (I can record, please show your interest), FRIDAY 6.45 TAROT


One of my favourite architects is CHARLES RENNIE MACKINTOSH(1868-1928) and one of my most favourite buildings is The Hill House near Glasgow,  considered to be Charles Rennie Mackintosh’s domestic masterpiece. Working to a commission from Glasgow book publisher Walter Blackie, up-and-coming architect Mackintosh and his wife Margaret created almost everything, from the building itself to the furniture and textiles.

Mackintosh was a revolutionary designer, but the materials and techniques at the cutting edge of architectural design in 1900 haven’t withstood a century of the west of Scotland’s harsh, wet weather conditions.  In Helensburgh it rains 190 days of the year, and due to its revolutionary construction, the external render of the property has not proved watertight and the walls have gradually become saturated and are crumbling, with water now threatening the interiors. It has been likened to an aspirin in a class of water – it is crumbling.

The National Trust took the remarkable step of (hand) building a chain mail construction which totally encapsulates the house.  This method not only allows the house to “breathe” and to gradually dry out, it also (through a series of walkways) allows the public to view right around and over the top of this remarkable house – views that even Mackintosh himself would never have been able to see.

An added benefit is that when the house has dried out and the problem rectified, the whole chain mail construction, being steel, will be able to be melted down and made into something else – it is able to be recycled! The photo to the left is one of the rooms of HillHouse.   Please google it – it is worth the effort.

HERBAL WORKSHOP:  Yesterday we looked at the Rescue Remedy not just for people but also for animals, bird and even BEES (I bet the beekeepers among you have never thought of this use).  Bees are so attuned to energies around them, making Bach remedies the perfect healers for their vibrant communities…  If you  use Bach in your garden and your beehives, you have the perfect system.   I haven’t totally solved the snail problem in the garden using Bach Remedies, but I am working on it.

Considering daily use with our friends, families and clients, we related the remedies to the appropriate meridians, and how we could most effectively use the remedies with these energy channels.  I am sure that Edward Bach would have included this philosophy of healing had he known about it.  It is so remarkably able to be integrated, and still remains simple, which is what Bach designed the remedies to be.