Dear Yogis,
What a funny weekend. Thank goodness I had lots to do and deadlines, otherwise I would have done nothing. Everything I needed to do was completed early Sunday morning, I made my apologies to God (who knows where I am), and went to visit “my pal Val” rather than go to church. I know that Church is not about the cult of personalities, but our present minister reads his sermon from his iPad, word for word – where is the Spirit in that?
Val and I sat under a shade umbrella, had a lemon tea and a chat. A much better alternative than a laboured sermon. Later in the afternoon (after tiny bit of gardening) I sat in the shade with a long drink, read Clive James and laughed
Val did give me handbag she thought “I might like to restore”, Unfortunately it had gone past the restoration page, however, the internals were pristine and just what I like – lots of pockets. I also loved the black patent handles with silver clips. So, I took the insides out of the bag, deconstructed the handles and will construct a denim bag around this. I will show you how I go.
AM I MISSING SOMETHING? A friend who said they were going to drop by in the afternoon arrived at 7.30pm and claimed that it was afternoon for them on the basis that it was still light. Almost as perplexing as a visitor who was taking me to lunch last week at 12noon and turned up at 9.30am. Is this the way of the world now? Sorry, it doesn’t work for me. Afternoon can be about 4pm (High-Tea time), and 12 noon is 12 noon not 9.30am! Maybe I am just getting old.

I finished them. From a pile of unloved (stained and dusty) rags to two dolls. What a job – restored inside and out, and taken back to the time that they were made, complete with “liberty” fabric frills.
Of course when they were originally made, all the bits were added on before they were filled, when they were just pieces of pattern. Now the fabric unraveled as I worked on it, the binding was shredded, the seams were threadbare and generally they were a sad lot, not helped by being scrawled on in texta (the original bits in the bag in the first photo). Now they are pristine and ready for their next (careful) incarnation.
The weather is blowing hot and cold, clients are getting coughs and colds which are no longer viewed as benign, Covid Cases are surging and whilst we can’t live in fear, I think we have to be careful. For the first time I was informed that a person in one of my off-site classes tested positive. I had no symptoms, and have been continuously testing negative, so I dodged a bullet, but it has made me more careful than I perhaps might have otherwise been. No larger gatherings for me…. although I am going to hotels for Christmas lunches, and I am going to love it.
My main project for the new year (academically) is to get my CertIV in Disability. This week I did the dreaded NDIS training. It was all on line. THREE hours of a training course with small tests after each module. Pleasant graphics, gorgeous videos, and sensible questions. Not too bad. Then, the horrible NDIS ID Screening. Horrible. I got through it and was about to take a breath thinking the photo at the end would be simple. TWENTY or so photos later I finally got an image that the computer recognised. After each 5 photos no accepted the WHOLE ID quit and I had to re-enter. At least I now know who I am!!! I had a stiff drink at the end and feel so pleased that I finished it. It was also great to know that it takes some people much longer, and then for some it takes 3 month+ to get the ID actioned. For me it took less than 24hours. I am now a “REAL” NDIS person, and hopefully can help even more people be introduced to yoga.
I can’t wait to get all this out of the way so that can begin an add-on TEACHER TRAINING COURSE IN DISABILITY. You will love it! Please let me know if you are interested. Once you are trained you will be in BIG demand and can contract yourself out to Disability Centres, teach one-on-one and take classes in studios specifically for the disabled…… or go to homes, or work out of your studio. You can design the way you work. It is exhausting work but heaps of fun.
Lots of yoga studios are going out of business, and I am showing you how to focus on a group of people who need you and want to do yoga – the DISABLED COMMUNITY. You will have more work than you know what to do with – it’s fabulous, it’s fun and you will love it. If you are interested in fabulous, fun and heaps of work let me know.
CHRISTMAS YOGA. Closing the week of the 12th DECEMBER to 9th January.
Monday Studio – 1pm class, 2.15 class as usual. ZOOM FREE BACH FLOWERS STUDY 6.30pm
Don’t forget the free lunch at the Uniting Church in Forest St next to the Police Station. 12.30 Mondays.
Tuesday – 9.30 and 1.30 Jahne Teaching yoga at Windarring
Wednesday Studio – 1pm Restorative.
THURSDAY – Jahne teaching yoga at Windarring at 1.30 – Goodbye free day!!
MONTHLY YOGA LUNCH. NEXT – Monday 19th December at 1pm at the Vic in Woodend. RSVP if you haven’t already???
See you at the Studio.