Dear Yogis,
We have been alerting you to the fact that the virus is returning, and we should expect a lock down – and here it is!
It is only for 7 days, could be less, so no need to panic. We know how to do this, and we can do it over again. Being less than a domestic goddess, I discovered dust and cleaning that needed doing during the last lockdown, even re-tiled the shower recess. I am not sure if I will have time to be very enthusiastic this time around… but I don’t mind lock downs. I think I will frame and photograph some pictures, do some darning that is backing up and change the yoga to zoom.
SUNDAY ZOOM at 10am THE BARDO. “The Tibetan Book of the Dead”. A guide not just for dying – but also for living.
MONDAY ZOOM 1pm Yoga (Hatha – all welcome) 6.30pm FREE TEACHER TRAINING. Mary Magdalen
WEDNESDAY ZOOM 5.30 YOGA (Restorative – all welcome)
I can be available for ZOOM Art/Craft class on Saturday Afternoon 2pm if any previous “zoomers” want a class at this time. If I don’t get requests, I won’t be there.
STUDIO: REMEMBER AND Book me into your diary for Teacher Training on Sunday the 6th June. 2pm to 4pm
Could be zoom, could be studio.
HERBS: Attention Ayurvedic Therapists. I have a tub of precious NIGELLA SATIVA meal – the seeds after the first cold pressing. I have been using them soaked in oil or honey for skin conditions, but they can be used for much more. They are mentioned in the Qur’an with great reverence and it is said the only thing they can’t cure is DEATH. Good to know. Are you interested? I can share.
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- …….What is matter?
- Will it last forever?
- The Teacher answered:
- “All that is born, all that is created,
- all the elements of nature
- are interwoven and united with each other
- All that is composed will be decomposed;
- everything returns to its roots;
- matter returns to its roots of matter.
- Those who have ears let them hear”.
“The Gospel of Mary presents Jesus as a teacher, and the teaching he transmits contains the knowledge necessary for the re-integration of human being with themselves, with their Source and the Principle. This Gospel is one of Divine Knowledge. It goes deeper than the teaching of laws and rules as we saw in the Old Testament. In this Gospel, Jesus has something to say to us about the fundamental nature of the world and of humanness.
We began exploring these ideas with the poetry of Rumi and learned of his relationship with Shams I-Tabriz. Rather like the intellectual relationship between Mary and Jesus, and again Jibril and Muhammed. In each case, the word was transmitted from God, (from the Divine) to the “Teacher” and then to the “student” destined to take the message to the world.
Along side this we will be looking at the Tibetan world as expressed in the Bardo. A reminder of the interdependence and impermanence if all things. What has a beginning has also an end. Ignorance of impermanence generates illusions, attachments, and therefore suffering – all the ancient wisdom traditions tell us this.
When we read the Gospel of Mary we will hear the Teacher say over and over, the phrase taken up by Mary when she was the teacher “Those who have ears let them hear” . It is an invitation to pay attention – to develop a subtle perception, a special faculty of attention. The Real, (Reality), is only known by those who take the time to hear, those who can tune in to the silence until the emptiness which is everything speaks. The Jewish call-to-prayer, The Shema, recited in every Synagogue (and some High Anglican Churches) calls to those who know…… “LISTEN O ISRAEL”
“….if the conscious subject has no ears there will be nothing to hear,
if the eyes are not open there will be nothing to see,
if the heart is not awake, there will be nothing to understand…….” (Yeshua-Jesus)