Email blast 22nd December 2016

Email Blast 22nd December 2016


Honouring the Universe – The philosophy of The Australasian Yoga Institute….

Dedicated to a tradition of excellence in teaching for more than 40 years, The Australasian Yoga Institute offers yoga teachers comprehensive and systematic training in classical yoga.  We teach yoga techniques for body, breath, mind and spirit in 200hr and 500hr certification programs.  Our programs include training in meditation, asana.




“The true man breathes with his heels”

EXCERPT from Chuang Tzu chapter 6 “The great Venerable teacher”

What do I mean by a true man?  The True Man of ancient times did not rebel against want, did not grow proud in plenty, and did not plan his affairs.  A man like this could commit an error and not regret it, could meet with success and not make a show.  A man like this could climb high places and not be frightened, could enter the water and not get wet, could enter a fire and not get burned.  His knowledge was able to climb all the way up to The Way like this.

The True man of ancient times slept without dreaming and woke without care; he ate without savouring and his breath came from deep inside.  The true man breathes with his heels; the mass of men breathe with their throats.  Crushed and bound down, they grasp their words as if they were retching.  Deep in their passions and their desires, they are shallow in the working of heaven”.  




The Restorative Yoga is becoming the backbone of our practice, and there have been some new developments.  I have already informed most of you that there are three levels.

The workshop (at The Bentinck in Woodend)  is filling – ONLY 2 SPOTS LEFT –   so sign up soon.  I know that you will enjoy the workshop and it will change your studio, your practice and your life….  To learn more, see below, and hop on over to

LEVEL 1 is the teach yourself course on

LEVEL 2 is the RESTORATIVE YOGA COURSE and the Introduction to Therapy with emphasis on Structural Yoga Therapy..

And LEVEL 3 (coming later in the year) In this I am presenting a course which will include exclusive essential oils and therapeutic mixtures which can be prescribed and used in conjunction with the yoga to make it a stand alone clinical practice.   This would be a great addition to the practice of those who are doulas (both with pregnant women and the dying), and those who routinely work with the chronically ill, people in recovery… etc etc. 

You cannot do LEVEL 3 if you have not done LEVEL 1,  LEVEL 2  and started out with the RYTA200.  This will be truly a therapy course.  There is nothing like it in the world today.  If you are looking for a life path, if you really do want to become a yoga PRACTITIONER rather than a YOGA TEACHER, then this is for you.  The curriculum is not complete, and the first course will not be until later next year, but there is lots you have to do between now and then.

LEVEL 1 is on ETSY right now, you can start now, and The next RESTORATIVE LEVEL 2 will be delivered in February 2017 at The Bentinck.

Please email me, and let me know your intention, or go to for details and an application.

(I will travel to you to deliver the workshop if you can get 5 students – you and 4 more). 



I have attached a photograph of our new scholarship holder.  Kiri Buchler (and “snakey”) .  She is a wonderful student (as is Cathy our first scholarship holder).  They have been coming to weekly yoga classes – it is such a pleasure to have students like these girls.  I would really like a male applicant next time – we  need some male energy in our studio…..  Especially in a teaching capacity.



I ask and ask – please identify your work by naming and numbering each page of your modules.  I mark a lot of modules, I have a lot of students.  I am not going to troll through all the files trying to work out which belongs to what.  A new one has come in.  It seems to be a project called CHAKRA TONING, maybe an elective?  There is not a name or an identifying mark through the whole of the module. There is a coloured line between topics on every page – the only identifying mark.    If this was a university it would have gone straight in the bin.  I am holding it hoping that someone will own up.   Please let me know if it is yours – and next time… make sure you name and number each page.    The last one that came in like this I did bin after months of asking for the student to claim it via the newsletter – the only way of contact I have.



In the new year we will be bringing in a new regime to make this link between STUDENT registration and STUDENT insurance very clear, and very organised….  Please note, you cannot get student insurance on the day that you enrol with us unless you have the documentation and relevant YOGA teaching experience that makes it possible. Student insurance is not a right, it is a great privilege.  And it CAN BE awarded under very specific conditions.


a.  Just say you joined up in January 2014.  We presume for accounting purposes that you will take a year to do the course (the actual time is up to you – but accountants don’t like open ended equations – so we base our costs on one year, to eighteen months) .

b.  You have the year from 2014 to 2015 where you don’t need to Register or Insure unless you start teaching.

c.  The second year from 2015 to 2016 you don’t pay Registration for this year – it is in your fees.  This applies unless you start to teach

Then it kicks in from the date you need to Register and Insure.  For accounting purposes we have presumed that this is the year you will start teaching.  In actual fact, some do, some don’t.  For economy, it is best to pay insurance at the beginning of this year, and get a full year of Registration pre-paid.  You are training to be a yoga teacher – chances are you will teach in this year.  If you don’t intend to teach, then no insurance required.

d.  The third year after you sign up you need to Register with us, and Insure if you are teaching.  You will need your first aid quals, a police check if you are teaching children, and any further documentation to prove your readiness to teach if you are not a graduate. 

Everything hangs on when you start to teach.  

You need your graduate/student Registration certificate, BEFORE you can legitimately be insured.  In future, this will be very clear on your insurance policy and on your Registration.  You will either receive a “student insurance policy” or a “graduate insurance policy”.

Registration and Insurance are fees that you need to pay each year.

Insurance only – $220.   PLEASE NOTE:  Your insurance is tied to Registration.  



You might be able to still get the book (and many others) second-hand from the bookshops below.  I would advise you to buy a few so that you can amortise the postage cost across a number of books rather than one.

                                                          Cost       Mail

UK      1/ Revival Books Ltd                 $4.94    $5.90 

USA    2/ Goodwill Books                    $1.50    $12.99

UK      3/ Awesome Books                  $9.89    $6.47

USA    4/ Hippo Books                        $5.50    $11.50 condition poor

USA    5/ Hippo Books                        $5.50    $11.50 

USA    6/ Goodwill Books                    $1.00    $17.00

USA    7/ The Book Women                 $5.00    $14.75

I try to imagine life without being able to speak to God, but none of the days without that special energy have the same laughter, or opportunities…..



$10 per class or 11 classes for $100 – new prices in the new year.  See below.

Enter through the Romsey Road gate, and park either side of the drive.

No need to bring props – mats etc unless you want to – everything is provided.

Monday:                 10 am Yin Yoga 6.30pm Hatha

Tuesday:                 10am Restorative,  7.30 Hatha with Nic 
Wednesday:            12.30 Hatha, 5.30 Restorative, 6.30 YIN

Friday:                    6:30 pm Hatha Yoga   

Saturday:                 10am Hatha,  and 12.30pm Restorative

Sunday:                   4.30pm Restorative (a gorgeous class and a lovely end of the
                               week indulgence).

THE TIMES IN RED.  From the beginning of the 2017 – exactly when I am not sure as  I am making some alterations at home – I am taking those classes in red above,  back to my home studio.  So if you want to come to the home studio for your class please book.  I need to know your name, the classes/s you want to attend and your email so I can confirm, as the classes will be limited and SMALL.  Please email your booking and your details to  

PRICES:  There has been confusion – here is EASY.   From the 4th January the class prices at either place, Bentinck or Studio will be $15 per class,  $135 for a 10 class pass or $100 unlimited for one 4 week month (no extensions  – once the month is up the pass is done). Your present passes will be valid until they run out.



We will be closed from the 23rd of December to the 3rd January (first class on the 4th).  Apart from that the classes and fees are as above.



The next will be on Sunday 8th January,  2pm to 4pm (followed by restorative yoga at 4.30) at the Bentinck – in the Yoga Room.  Please join us.  If you are a distance ed. student then the cost of the afternoon is $10.  If you are a visitor you are most welcome – and if you are not formally a student teacher with us then the cost is $20.    We have had the most wonderful trainings, there is nothing like them.  Please do come.



Vouchers are available (all year) for $100 or $50 class passes, and massage $95 one hour or $50 half hour.  Please contact me and we will arrange it.  Email

Most people have never met, and don’t understand, that there are angels all around us whose only job is to make sure that you don’t get too comfortable, fall asleep and miss the important moments (and gifts) in your life.




IF YOU WANT TO KNOW MORE ABOUT YAMAS AND CHAKRAS – my own little books are on etsy.  Why spend hours looking for the information when you can pay under $10 for these books and have a very valuable easy-to-read reference and resource.    If you get them and read them they will help you with many of the concepts that you are having trouble with especially in your modules. This holiday I am launching “CHANGE ON-LINE”, a home based on-line restore and recover program.


YIN YOGA/ANATOMY/MEDITATION DVD’s – all with Paul Grilley. UP, UP, UP!!!

They are the best and will form the backbone of your yoga references. As I have told you before when I bought mine they cost $100 or so each.  I thought that this was a good investment, and I still do.  We have had to increase the price TWICE – everything everywhere is going up, and we have held this price for a number of years.  Now $57.50.  At this price we are accounting for currency increases and decreases, and they are still cheaper than I paid for mine initially.  Look at Ebay – everyone is about the same.  At twice the price they were still worth having.   With Christmas coming, please order yours today.  I don’t have many left and I am waiting for more stocks to arrive in the mail – at this time of the year they sometimes get caught up in customs.

PS thank you to the students, who realising they got the DVD’s at the wrong price have sent me the difference between the old price and the new one.  It is greatly appreciated. The gesture made me so proud of the students who have taken this step.  They are really, really living yoga.


REGARDING THE OFFICE:   Christmas – Jacky is on leave until the 21st December.    So if you have a money issue ring her on 0354 273 518 on Wednesday close to 10 NEXT WEEK.  Get straight before Christmas.  Just because you have Christmas expenses keep in mind we do too.  Your training agreement did NOT say you get a holiday with the modules or the fees over Christmas…  so pay attention to the YAMAS.  Keep firm with your agreement with us.  REMEMBER you are studying THE YAMAS, not just asanas.

ATTENTION:  EMAIL NUMBER – For anything, anything at all please email me at  If you do not your emails may get lost,  as I am gradually going to get rid of the other email numbers….  Do not ring unless you have to asI teach and consult and can’t answer.  Email, leave your number and I will get back to you.


I am always as close as the post or the email, always working to make things better, dig deeper.  Why?  So you can be the best you can be.  Email me, talk to me, send me photographs.   I look forward to hearing from you. 

MERRY CHRISTMAS TO YOU ALL – I wish for you everything you wish for yourselves…..

For more wonderful, delicious thoughts
Log on to our Web site
and tune in to our videos daily.

ENJOY – Love and Blessings,  

Namaste Jahne

Contact me here.
This email was sent out by
The Australasian Yoga Institute/Yoga First.