eblast 8 December 2015

GOOD MORNING PRECIOUS ONES  Honouring the Universe – The philosophy of The Australasian Yoga Institute….   Dedicated to a tradition of excellence in teaching for more than 40 years, The Australasian Yoga Institute offers yoga teachers comprehensive and systematic training in classical yoga.  We teach yoga techniques for body, breath, mind and spirit in 200hr and 500hr certification programs.  Our programs include training in meditation, asana.

I cannot stress these too much how important these are.
If you come to me to be registered in our organisation (and baby,  it is growing and is going to take some BIG leaps)  and you haven’t done the yamas, guess what, you will have to do a workshop and an exam…..  For me, the philosophy of yoga is the most important.  There is NOTHING more important.      We start there I have never liked the (Christian) “Thou Shalt Not” approach and am trying out a new one. 

“Just for today I will not kill thoughts, hopes, aspirations,  confidence.  I will not kill.”
“Just for today I will work on telling the truth”
“Just for today I will work on not stealing”
“Just for today I will work on respecting all people and all things”
“Just for today I will work on not taking more of anything than what I need”.

Next TT Sunday 10th January 2pm to 4pm.  Please mark it in your diary….. 
Our class yesterday was wonderful, thank you girls for turning up.  We did talk about Bhakti, Reincarnation and Karma.  It was so good.  

“Everything will change for you when you work out that there is plenty of time in every day to complete the important things”.

One of my projects over Christmas is to work out the best way to record the Gita with a bit of a commentary according to me!  I want to put it on preferably an MP3.  I am not sure the best/easiest way to look at this and do it for you, but be sure that I am working on it. 

For years now I have taken my pendulum seriously.  

In order to learn more about the energies from a 21st century standpoint I emailed and facebooked Brian Cox.  I thought he would be the one who would know.  In actual fact he was most unhelpful and closed minded.  When you see him looking wide eyed at the universe on the telly, I can assure you from my experience that it must be an act.   There was no wide eyed wonder in this boy.  I seemed to me there is only one person in that universe who knows how it works, and as far as he can tell it is him.   He treated me like I was a female idiot, and passed me on to other people who did the same.  So don’t go there.

As far as I am concerned the pendulum is my friend.  It will tell me how things are.  Now if I believe that the energy comes from God, myself or little green men, it doesn’t make any difference to the result.  It still works for me.  
I always tell the story of a friend of mine who built himself up from a small person who sold vitamins in the mail to a wealthy wealthy man who at one time had a few million dollar houses in his portfolio, and all of this by learning to talk to his pendulum.  He had one on his key ring, and if you saw him making a decision you would of thought he was fiddling with his keys, but no, he was talking to his pendulum.  Like I said.  It makes no difference to me where that conversation originates, I know for myself that it is a higher power, and the results are to be trusted.  Try it.  Those of my students who have persisted with patience and have developed a rapport will tell you it works.     

Christmas is coming, so don’t forget that we have some lovely yoga things in our shop.  If you want CD’s, a swing, bands, books, the tarot…. You will be buying something encouraging for your yoga friends, and supporting us.

Just in case you thought it was just for old people, have a look at this picture of Maia Manning.  She has recently started coming with her mum and loves it.

We are still asking for your help. I wondered if any of you out there had finished with their book and would like to sell it back to us, WE WOULD LOVE TO BUY IT OFF YOU.  We can get it secondhand from time to time for $25 to $30.  We will buy yours off you for $25 plus whatever is the postage cost.  Email us if you would like to sell yours, and Deb will call you to organise.  yogafirst2@bigpond.com

If you are a trainee, and you are distance ed student then please plan ahead. 

 I know it is christmas and you may be having second thoughts about who you will pay and who you won’t this Christmas so you can buy extra stuff, BUT remember the Yamas.  Make provision for your teacher Training Payments.  You made an agreement to pay a certain amount in a certain time.  If you think it doesn’t matter, think again.  We all have children and we all have responsibilities.  How you meet those responsibilities shows the sort of teacher you will make.  Karma (like rust) never sleeps.  

If you don’t pay your bills, the others who rely on you,  can’t pay theirs.  In the yamas not meeting your obligations falls under “stealing” and also “Ahimsa” and maybe even “telling the truth”.  Patanjali did say if you paid attention to Ahimsa, everything else would fall into place.

YOGA CLASSES- Classes held at Bentinck
Cost:  $10 per person per class (or $100 a 12 class pass:  non–transferable).  
$15 mum plus little yoga bub. $25 per family (mum, dad and two primary school children.  
Young adults $10 each).

Monday *1.45pm SPIRITUAL YOGA with Jahne followed by a one hour Yoga Nidra.  
5.30pm RESTORATIVE with jahne, 6.30pm General class with Nicole
Tuesday 10am RESTORATIVE with jahne,  and 7.30  General class with *Brad and others, 
Wednesday 12.30pm General class with Kalma,  *6.30 YIN YOGA with Bron.
Friday 6.30pm General class with Nicholas, 
Saturday 10am General class with Nicole (9am and 12.30 RESTORATIVE with Jahne)
Sunday:  *4.30 Restorative followed by a Hands-on-healing session with Jahne

Please note the three new classes above.  Yes it’s close to the end of the year, but we will be working up to the 23rd of December, so there is plenty of time to come to yoga.  It isn’t Christmas Day tomorrow (even though it may feel like that in the Supermarket).  

*Brad is not well at the moment, and we have other teachers who have volunteered their time to take his place (thank you).

*RESTORATIVE YOGA (all classes with with Jahne) is a beautiful, gentle yoga which is done using lots of props and lots of time.  No balancing, no headstands, nothing but gentle stretches and rests.  You and/or a friend will love it especially if you have had surgery, are anxious, haven’t exercised for years, have a weight problem, or have a neurological problem.  It is also a PERFECT pre and postnatal session – if you are pregnant, please get a  doctors certificate and bring it to your first class – not because I think you are unwell, but as it is an insurance requirement.

THE CLASSES:  If you are wondering what level to join here’s a clue.  The General class is a more vigorous class, the Restorative is a very gentle class and Yin Yoga lies between the two.  If you haven’t done yoga for a long time, you may like to start with Restorative, move on the Yin and then take your pick of the general classes.
“The Bentinck” is on the corner of the Romsey Road and the High Street in Woodend.  Enter from  the start of the Romsey Road only.

No matter which class you come to – as you enter the Romsey Road gate, Yoga parking is either to the left or the right of the gate – on the inside of the gate .  If that is full, then the space over the road is always available.  PLEASE DON’T park in the central space – even it is empty and you are late, this is for Innisfree staff coming and going.

There is no need to park on the road if there is room inside the gate to the right or to the left, and a huge space available just across the road if all is full inside.  Please do not go to the front of the building in Carlisle St.  That is for residents.

www.yogabeautiful.com.au  If you are looking for any changes in times and days, then please go to the web site.  You will find everything there. There is also our blog  www.ministryofyoga.blogspot.com.au

What you are may sometimes miss the mark,  a prisoner in liberty.  
Get up somehow, get clean right now and be a happy, happy child set free.

NEXT TEACHER TRAINING CLASS  The next will be Sunday 10th January at the Bentinck – in the Yoga Room.  Please join us.  If you are a distance ed. student then the cost of the afternoon is $10   If you are a visitor you are most welcome – and if you are not formally a student teacher with us then the cost is $20. 

Mondays at 1.45, followed by meditation 2.30 to 3.30.  
Please bring an open mind – this is a ‘ guided’ class.  We will be exercising the muscle between the ears (the brain).  Do come along….  No children please.   I love children in yoga but this particular class is not appropriate for children.

THE ROSARY (or MALA). Seems quite a few of you are taking my advice and making mala beads.    
This is a much maligned and underused item in a yoga persons repertoire of tools.  Just think of them as an aid to meditation. 

When you make a mala, sort out a prayer or a song that takes three minutes.  Divide the mala’s beads into three section of maybe seven small beads  with a large bead between each section.  Then as you meditate (and only if you have trouble concentrating with any other method, or like to do it during the day, or when out walking) you will know when you have done the three minutes by the sections.  You just go over and over the beads section by section as you walk and repeat your prayer.   PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT – “JAHNE’S YOGA UNIVERSITY” Within our school there are three levels of YOGA TEACHER TRAINING, plus a course in the Gita, the fundamental source of all yoga teaching through the ages.

*THE BHAGAVADGITA (and YOGA PHILOSOPHY) which is like a Certificate or Diploma Level,  RYTA 200/350 which is our “degree course”  and     *RYTA500 the “masters”.

Most people have never met, and don’t understand, that there are angels all around us whose only job is to make sure that you don’t get too comfortable, fall asleep and miss the important moments (and gifts) in your life.
THE GITAJAIA YOGA FOUNDATION: Not only will this assist us to help others, it will be a registered charity – or that is what we are working towards.  Then all donations will be tax deductible.  What a good thing!

THE SHOP and ETSY  www.myyogabooks.etsy.com As usual we are ahead of the pack.  Colouring books are the new big thing, and we have had our colouring-in posters available for a long time now.
This week I received an email from one of our students who had purchased the chakras and colouring book and REALISED THAT COLOURING THE DRAWINGS  WAS A MEDITATION.  I celebrated.  It has taken a year for a student to understand the reason for the drawings. THANK YOU!  THANK YOU! THANK YOU……!!!
ALL OUR IN-HOUSE DVD’S AND CD’S ARE AVAILABLE AT THIS SITE.  Please remember that they are not flashy high cost productions.  They are made by Deb and me to answer your various questions.  They are useful in your course.

 I move with the infinite in nature’s power.  I hold the fire of the soul.  I hold the life and healing”. (Rig Veda)

REGISTRATION/INSURANCE www.yogabeautiful.com.au We are giving you total choice now, although it may be a bit more expensive…..

YOUR TEACHER TRAINING YEAR (or so): If you are a trainee Yoga Teacher who has been working on the course for more than a year please understand that your course fee only gives you FREE classes with me for your first training year – the first 12 months only.     Imagine if what would happen to our Institute if  you took three years to finish your course and you could still come to classes free for the entire course.  We do our fee calculation based on 12 months of free yoga classes.   Your training fees cover you for a year, after that we ask you to pay $10 per class.  

Also, just signing up and not sending in any modules means you are not really a trainee yoga teacher, and unless we receive regular communication (even if it isn’t modules), at a certain point we will deem that you have disconnected from us, and we will disconnect from you.  And, coming to class with no intention of completing the course just to get the cheaper, easier student insurance, and free classes isn’t exactly living the yamas!  Sooner or later we will call your bluff.

I have found  if you paddle your boat it is easier to maintain the illusion of control, but I tell you it is so much more fun if you pull the oars in and just let the river take you where it will….

VIDEOS:  THEY ARE NOT OPTIONAL – THEY ARE NECESSARY! Only $275 per annum. Please look down the list of the videos before you try to do stick drawings, or organise your journal.  I have shown you what I recommend..  All you have to do is download.  I even did a video on ‘The Gita.  Good feedback thus far – thank you.      Please.  Email us and Debbie will make sure that you are logged in promptly. OH YES, IF YOU HAVE BOUGHT THE SUBSCRIPTION, THEN PLEASE WATCH THE VIDEOS.  IF YOUR NAME IS NOT EDGAR CAYCE THEN YOU CAN’T LEARN WHAT IS ON THE TAPE FROM SLEEPING WITH YOUR COMPUTER! yogafirst2@bigpond.com
GARDENING WITH BENEFITS I realised the other day that the reason that my garden is not as lush as usual is because for the past few years one of my students has been bringing me bags of horse poop to spread around.  She delivered it, I spread it around and really didn’t pay attention.  But this year for whatever reason she hasn’t made the usual delivery and I haven’t noticed.  Boy, has it made a difference to the leafing and size of fruit.  Once I realised that I went around with the blood and bone, and I can see that the second harvest has been remediated.  Thank goodness.

It is not only vine leaf time as I stated in the last news, it is also berry time, and my garden is bursting as I hope that yours is.  Every morning I go around and get about half a kilo plus of berries.  Most I put in the freezer but some go into my smoothies.  It gives the greens a rest.  You can have a garden like mine, even if you do it on a verandah.  A friend of mine who moved a lot had his whole garden in containers and pots and they moved with him.  Even trees in double pots (one on top of the other).  It was amazing.

Think YIN YOGA/ANATOMY/MEDITATION DVD’s – all with Paul Grilley…before when I bought mine they cost $100 or so each.  I thought that this was a good investment.  I think half that is a steal! And that is what we are selling this. www.yogabeautiful.com.au

If you want a Past Life appointment I will be around.  Please keep in mind it will take about 2 hours, maybe a bit more (or less)  I don’t like to feel a time restriction.  There are some Sundays available Between now and the New year, Fridays, and Tuesday afternoons also are possible given the time frame needed.  If you have a problem you have been wanting resolved, this maybe a lovely Christmas gift to yourself.  You will need to speak to me first if I don’t know you to determine a time frame.  Email in the first instance to yogafirst2@bigpond.com

ATTENTION PLEASE:  WE are so close to the end of the year, if you want an appointment make it now.  There are not many vacancies.

REGARDING DEBBIE If you want to speak to Debbie about any aspect of the courses – she has done them, please remember that she only comes in on Tuesdays and Wednesdays. On those days she is available on Ph: 0354 273 518.  I am always here, and available preferably on email or text because I teach and am not always at my desk.  Don’t hesitate to email me and I will answer your email or text as soon as I can.

****Last class 12.30 Wednesday 23rd December, opening again on Monday 11th January (Teacher Training starts again with a class at the Bentinck on the 10th December…..)
    THE LAST WORD: I try to imagine life without being able to speak to God, but none of the days without that special energy have the same laughter, or opportunities…..
For more wonderful, delicious thoughts
Log on to our Web site www.yogabeautiful.com.au
and tune in to our videos  daily.         ENJOY – Love and Blessings,  

Namaste Jahne