Dear Yogis,

Before we start, please change your emails to me to.. YOGAFIRST2@BIGPOND.COM.  Anything else will not work.

As many of you know, our practice began about 60 years ago with Margrit Segesman…  

What started in silence and meditation, evolved into retreats in Buddhist monasteries, sitting meditation practice, which from time to time (especially in Texas) evolved into a very dynamic, gymnastic-like dedication to PowerYoga and years of travelling and demonstrating around the world, as well as training teachers. We felt invincible. Life seemed very simple, we were young, impulsive, trusting and full of energy.  However, Life has a way of inviting us to humility. There is no controlling the universe – and it wasn’t all fabulous.  At times it was very hard, but we expected that – it was part of the path.

We are not and have never been interested in the  intense performative display of agility one sees on the internet, ours is a private practice.

We are sure you know that the super fancy physical postures (in lycra) posted on Instagram, with great music  and a spiritual quote – are rarely yoga and don’t necessarily go together with a disciplined practice.   Even this morning I reacquainted myself with various hand balances, reasonably successfully.  I am old enough to know we require a ground from which all that we do in the world can come. It can’t be JUST about what the body can achieve, it MUST be about where the mind is at. We can’t ignore the body, but truly it is all about the mind.  Yes, I do yoga nearly every day, plus contemplation, reading and meditation..  Without my practice, my mind is just a whispy thing with no discipline and no structure (and no JOY).   My moon sign is Sagittarius, need i say more.

As it is and always was – yoga  (if you are ready to do the work) can help you unhook from always needing to be more or do more. There is no specific goal or outcome to be achieved – There is just practice – It is a gateway to understanding your mind.

We love hearing where your practice is at these days, whatever form it takes, so please, email me:


Windarring Yoga –  Tues. x 2 +Thurs. x 1. (some Fridays)

STUDIO YOGA WOODEND: Monday Hatha 1pm (full) 2.15 Wed. Restorative 1pm.  

TAROT READINGS AT THE STUDIO – Look forward to hearing from you.  You can even come on the weekends, and I can do “doubles” – you and mum, maybe you and a friend.

THE YOGA LUNCHEON:  As always the last Saturday in the month.  The next at 12noon the 28th October – PUT IT IN YOUR DIARY NOW.. I have booked for us to go to  The Full Moon in Woodend.  Warm, “homey” and great food. I love the Nachos – with chicken – with prawns – vegan, or Mexican.  Any of them are great.


If your treasured items need re-imagining and mending, come see me – please make an appointment first.. I am pretty well booked until the end of October (unless you are a regular who needs a skirt/pants tweaked), so keep that in mind. SEWING BEE SUNDAY AT 2.30 at my studio, 37 Morris Road, Woodend.  I will be working on another quilt.

A note to quilt owners.  If you have a cherished quilt, please check it regularly for wear and tear especially along all the seams.  Once they get to a certain stage they are a lifetime’s work just keeping them intact.  If yours was a gift to others, it does take away the need to worry about christmas gifts, because there will always be repairs needed on the quilt.

STEAM PUNK PARADE – this is still on the drawing board and we are in discussions with the Full Moon Saloon.  I want to include young designers, sponsor a prize for a new talent, and perhaps morph into a Sewing Bee style competition..  Watch this space and keep on stitching!!!!

SEE YOU IN THE STUDIO (and at the yoga lunch at the end of the month)