Hi Students and Graduates

My breakfast or supper since I discovered how good hemp is for my mind, my body, my skin and my longevity – is a dip of garlic, hemp oil, and balsamic vinegar.  All mopped up with just ONE slice of low GI multi grain bread, toasted and cut into cubes.  Just like Poirot.  I was eating this today and I thought I should take a photo (I always think of photographs later rather than sooner), but by then I had started, but I photographed what was left ..

I polished it off, with a glass of white wine – of course… and then all that I had left was this – I even licked the plate seeing I was alone.

It is very satisfying, I don’t get hungry, and dinner comes a couple of hours after this.  Or lunch comes after it,  if it is breakfast (minus wine – add coffee).   You should try it.  Hemp oil is beautiful, and is packed with a balanced Omega 3 and 6, plus 9, and protein.  Like “Royal Hemp”products and stock them because they list everything in the products,  on their products – I find that helpful..

I put the seeds on everything, and in everything, toss the protein powder into whatever I can.  Altogether.

I eat a small amount of hemp products at every meal every day.  I guess that is why when I do use my magical  HEMP OIL DROPS on aches and pains they work so well.  I even have got rid of a “glue ear” problem I have had for months and months (could be years)… even my acupuncturist could’t fix it.  But it is now fixed.  Rubbed my miracle oil behind my ear flap twice or three times for a couple of days – done.  All fixed.  Am I a convert? Of course.  My clients have reported my “magic” oil fixing carpal tunnel, back aches, dodgy shoulders/knees… you name it.  All that and anti-ageing too.


Learn more on the web site www.myyogabooks.etsy.com.  The hemp books and “Jahne’s Kannabis Kitchen”.

Have a great week.


See you in class.