Dear Yogis,

Yesterday we did our first HYPERMOBILITY lecture.  Apart from the fact that one student (and me) had forgotten the time zone differences, everything went beautifully.  Yes we spoke about hyper- mobility, but more importantly it was a sharing time between long time yoga teachers.  Don’t forget teacher training on Sunday at 2pm.  $20.  DirectDeposit: BSB: 063 806 Account: 1019 1251.  Send me the Receipt,  and I will send you the ID.

On the basis of these times together on zoom I am looking at ways to do RESTORATIVE YOGA via Zoom.  I could be converted!

REGISTRATION:  Take this as a reminder that your Yearly Registration may be overdue.  We used to send out reminders, but since the Web update, we don’t.  Your Registration is an acknowledgement that you learned with us (even if you went to India afterwards).  We are your lineage.  Our lineage passes through the Gita School and further back into Madame Segesman’s training in India in the 1950’s and 60’s.

Support your school (us).  Register today.  Email me and I will send you an application form.  If you have done further yoga/training courses since you completed your course with us, you may be able to become MASTER YOGI certification. (500PLUS hours required). This is a two year registration… Email me and I will send you the CURRENT  Registration form. Get onto this today.

AN ASANA A DAY. TADASANA:  In practising an asana – and that is where most beginning yogis start – there is no particular focus.  The mind is all over the place.  In TADASANA the attention can first be on the name “MOUNTAIN: STANDING UP, STANDING STILL”.  Once this is pointed out, it will become immediately apparent that the mind is not willing or able to concentrate.  We have to find for our students a way to help them understand what is happening and what they are trying to achieve.  These are some words we may use in describing the posture for the class…

TADASANA: MOUNTAIN POSTURE, standing still, standing UP (NOT reaching the arms up over the head), bringing the mind to the action/condition of muscles, bones, ligaments structure.  The awareness of standing erect as opposed to all fours in the case of animals. Holding together.  Balancing, swaying. The actions of the stomach. The urge to move, as opposed to  STILLNESS.

The mountain is a symbol of our ascent towards the sacred self, towards purity, selflessness.  In this “elevated place” we can find the beginnings of quiet. The beginnings of meditation.  The Mountain is the symbol for the Centre where heaven and earth meet. The place where the battle of the Bhagavad-Gita occurs.  The mountain symbolises the climb towards one’s goal.  In countries where there are no mountains, we build them to achieve elevation.  eg the pyramids. Quietness, stillness may surface when the student learns to concentrate.  The mind recedes little by little and the division between stillness and action recedes, taking us to the top of the mountain which resides within.

For first time yogis, all such activities are aimed towards sense gratification.  But above the senses is the mind, and above the mind the intelligence, and above the intelligence is the soul.  Therefore the aim of  real education should be self-realisation – realisation of the spiritual values of the soul. Any education which does not lead to such realisation must be considered avidya (ignorance).