Dear Yogis,
A short REMINDER OF CHANGES. Everyday I speak to yogis from all over the country both teachers and students, and I have to report that everyone is experiencing strange times as we come out of covid – and anticipate we may at any time experience another lock-down. In Melbourne CBD it is manic, felt mostly at night. It feels like people are doing everything they didn’t/couldn’t do during lockdown. This means there is little time left over for yummy things like yoga. They have forgotten the comfort of “the mat”.
Whilst these changes may be upsetting to you, they may only be temporary – I don’t know. As soon as you all relax, and get back to your yoga we can take up the classes again. In the meanwhile we will get on with life as best we can. “Nothing can happen except it is the will of Allah, trust this” – the Qur’an.
FRIDAY: After a year of Covid inspired Tarot/Pendulum classes these are suspended until the situation changes.
SATURDAY: These 2pm classes are as usual and THIS SATURDAY IS THE USUAL STUDIO CLASS. Woodend.
SUNDAY: The Gita is as usual at 10am.
MONDAY: 6.30pm FREE ZOOM Teacher Training. This week still working on “Forgiveness”.
I found an old photo of the BLUE LADY which stood outside the studio for 25 years. 2 years ago she crumbled to bits in the cold. The DEPARTMENT STORE image is in my head, it is not necessarily the building.
My Mother said it, other advisors have said it, and a Covid Business Coach said it last year “You won’t be super successful until you can focus on just one thing!” I have had years to think about this. I don’t agree, in fact I think that in these uncertain times having a “Portfolio Life” is the only way to “succeed”. When one thing is not working another thing will be. Those people who concentrate on one thing are not in a good position – when covid conditions knock that “one thing” there is nothing to take up the slack. Even Bill Gates doesn’t concentrate on one thing.
When I was in the shower the other day it came to me – I have a “Department Store Life”. I move between floors. On the ground floor is yoga – that is what you see when you walk in, but there is more. On the second floor is art, the third floor craft, the fourth floor housekeeping and administration.
Now, when I am planning the day I begin with the thought, “WHAT FLOOR ARE WE GOING TO BE WORKING ON TODAY?” It doesn’t mean I can’t move between floors during the day, but it does mean I can be aware I am actually moving between floors, and bring together those things that are on separate floors. I don’t have yoga things on the fourth floor. I can choose without losing my power base. I don’t have to feel “less than” because I don’t think like other people. I don’t need to work like anyone else, I only need to work like me.
Like Myer, I can be successful no matter what floor I am working on. Myer Stores expect to be successful on all floors but probably not all at the same time. When the ground floor is working, then maybe the second floor is being renovated. The analogy goes on and for me it is very successful. For instance, this morning I will be working on the fourth floor, and then moving to the first floor for most of the day….Try it, it works for me. It also makes for easier planning – no running up and down between floors all day.
You can know who you are, where you are.