Dear Yogis,
The perfect weather for study. Wet, very windy, cold and grey. I have been studying and I hope you have been catching up with your modules, it is the perfect opportunity. Whilst you have been doing fabulously domestic things, I have been completing a couple of courses I started in the beginning of covid – The Bach Flower Remedies Certificate and the Bach Flower Remedies Advanced Diploma Course recognised by the (IPHM), AND I FINISHED THEM AND DID THE EXAM, and I passed with distinction. I just sat at the computer until they were done, and I have to say this is the only way that I can do it. I am now an Approved Training Provider of the Bach Flower Therapies. A perfect complement to Compassionate Companions Project, which exactly what the herbs are.
During covid I have even started turning my garden into a BACH REMEDY GARDEN. I won’t be able to grow some of the remedy herbs, but I have a lot even now – and I make other remedies for my clients using Australian plants. You don’t need to spend hundreds of dollars, you just need knowledge and experience, both of which are available.
Edward Bach who discovered and isolated these 38 energetic essences was a doctor who worked very successfully in Harley Street, London. He wanted a healing system suitable for every one of us to be able to do, and we can. He left the success he had on Harley street, and went to Wales where he spent the last years of his life discovering the essences.
These essences do not cure neither do they heal but like yoga, they influence the energies, the moods and emotions. Once we bring someone into a balanced state of being, they feel happy, and health happens.
I have been having a wonderful time over covid, out and about collecting specimens, herbs, and making them into Bach therapies the way that Edward Bach directed. This is medicine for everyone. They are especially useful for treating animals. They can do no harm.
Now that I have completed and am a qualified Training Provider I can invite you to join me. You can work with your family, children, your fur babies and community… If you have contemplated being a herbalist but it is too complex and too long, or a homeopath but the same time frame and cost applies, then maybe becoming a BACH THERAPIST would be the way to go. I am finalising an easy, short, economical course so that you can not only save money, you can provide health giving solutions, and you can do it with me complete with zoom sessions and a payment plan as usual.
I have been able to offer Bach Therapies for quite a few years now, and I offer them again to you. I am also making up the remedies so that you can use them for yourself and your children at home. They were a lifeline for me when I was at home with my children when they were young. They provided a way of bypassing illness by recognising changes before they became disturbing.
I am putting these remedies on everything Bach, including training.
TODAY (FRIDAY) Studio Yoga 5.30pm and Zoom FREE tarot class at 6.45