Dear Yogis,

FRIDAY:  11am Don’t miss our YOGA CAFE.  It’s about “being happy for no good reason”.  We all need community.
5.30 RESTORATIVE YOGA.  6.45 FREE –  learning the pendulum.

SATURDAY: 12.30 RESTORATIVE YOGA  2pm TAROT MAKING, watercolour, doodling

TUESDAY 7.30pm:  We will be starting a series on THE SUTRAS.  This is quite a long series and may take us up to the Christmas break.  We shall have start to see where it takes us.  If you come to every class I will give to a Certificate of Attainment at the end.

FOR ANY AND ALL, if you have not enrolled contact me at and I can put you on the ZOOM ID LIST
TO PAY (please):  Go to the home page, choose the class you want to take, pay by clicking on DONATE.


THE SUTRA STUDY CLASSES – Starts this coming Tuesday at 7.30pm

FOCUS: Underlying the physical practice of yoga (the asanas) is a philosophy that provides a blueprint for managing the material world.
we will be studying these concepts… We may not have time for 195 sutras.  A Doctorate could be written on any one of them.  Traditionally like all philosophical/religious texts they used to be chanted in order to commit them to memory, as not everyone could write.  You will not have to commit them to memory, neither will you have to chant them.

Patanjali the compiler of the sutras did not create yoga. He brilliantly compiled its essence entitled PATANJALA-YOGA-DARSANAM meaning viewing yoga according to Patanjali and known in the West as the YOGA SUTRA-S.  Yoga existed long before Patanjali. The Mahabharata refers to yoga on numerous occasions,  each chapter refers to yoga,  and is considered to be one of the primary ancient YOGA SASTRA-S.  We have been studying the ‘Gita and its verses on yoga, in our Sunday classes. It is a surprising text which has brought together for our students a deeper understanding of all aspects of yoga philosophy.  We will continue with these as the background to the sutra study.

BHAGAVADGITA written in approximately 600-200BCE, author – Veda Vyasa, 18 chapters, 700 verses part of the Mahabharata
PATANJALA-YOGA-DARSANA written 500-200BCE, author – Patanjali, 4 chapters, 195 sutras.

We will be studying the concepts as Patanjali listed them.  They are in a deliberate order, most often from outer/external/superficial to inner/internal/deep, and each in order – one leading to the next.  It is interesting to me that the first real word in the text is ARTHA which translates as “in the beginning” and the last real word is SAKTI (the final word “iti”) is equivalent to THE END.  I promise we won’t take three months to discuss these two concepts as I did when studying theology and the Bible, although they are equivalent.