Dear Yogis,

Wednesday already and a hard, hard frost (but beautiful to look at!).  Thank goodness I have wood.

I did get some comments with regards to Mondays biblical reference to the war involving Gaza and Israel, thank you.  Now I am getting back to YOGA FOR DISABILITY.

Starting anything new requires effort, disappointment, realisations, and occasionally joy.  My students give me joy.  It took 10 years for Morgan to translate the bible into Welsh which kept the Welsh language alive and led to Nationhood.  Yoga for Disability (or a new look at anything), takes patience and discipline and often tears, but like Morgan,  one keeps going because of the larger picture.

I am trying to translate the yoga for people who have no way of appreciating it as the rest of us do. For the last few weeks at Widarring, a Student who is challenged mentally and physically, has started to come to yoga.  She communicates with screams and apparently screams until brought to yoga.  When we do “omming” she has the most wonderful smile, and although she doesn’t understand “omming” she copies my physical actions – I feel like the teacher of Helen Keller must have.  Whatever she is experiencing is bringing her back every week.  After every class I take time to acknowledge her effort.  I acknowledge her,  but do it at a distance, as she doesn’t know me well enough to trust me and allow me into her space. I am learning.

I would like to explain this journey in art, but have not yet discovered the language …..  yet, but which? Portraits, faces, bodies, body parts, paint, fabric? It would certainly explain me to me if nothing else.

Dear Mr. Shakespeare did you choose blackness for Othello to challenge the viewer or to explain the darker recesses of the human soul – or both.  At the time of Shakespeare the population had been trained to listen very carefully to what was being said from the pulpit – they bought this skill to the works of Shakespeare, which were “gunpowder”, challenging attitudes on every level.  Before our students can understand what we are doing, we have to discover a language they (and their carers, parents and support workers”)  can resonate to.  I think it begins (and maybe ends) with smiles and kindness.  Yoga and musical chairs, Yoga and Tina Turner, Yoga and Baba – whatever it takes.

If you want to join me on this (challenging) yoga journey, email me.  You may not get into this class, but I can waitlist you for the next one.


Windarring Yoga –  Tues. 1pm .  (Tuesday AM in Gisborne starting in the new term).

STUDIO YOGA WOODEND: Monday Hatha 1pm (full) Wednesday Restorative 1pm,  FRIDAY RESTORATIVE 10am 

DISABILITY YOGA CLASS (YOGA FOR WHEELIES AND WALKERS) in NORMA RICHARDSON hall, starting 10.30am 17th July  by donation. Next term.  All my disability classes with have an emphasis (after time) on meditation/sound therapy.

ZOOM DISABILITY YOGA TEACHER TRAINING. This week class 2 –  6.30 zoom class.

TAROT/PAST LIFE ADVISOR/counsellor – Always available by appointment.
I am updating the Etsy booklets relative to my decks (and my new RED deck).  I will let you know when this is done.

HOT STONES MASSAGE – Our Winter offering once the new hot stones arrive – THEY HAVE ARRIVED!.  Weekdays and weekends by appointment only.

NEXT STUDIO TEACHER TRAINING – The last Sunday in June at 2.30