Dear Yogis,
Sunday 10am “The Tibetan Book of The Dead”. Study Group (A study of living as well as dying)
STUDIO – Covid Rules in Place
Monday 1pm (Full), Wednesday (Full), Friday 5.30 (post Covid wait-list available)
It is not just another 7 days… it’s seven more days added to 122 spent in lockdown for Victorian’s so far. By my calculation, about 129 days of not being able to see your friends, your family, 129 days of not being able to work in the way that you did, to provide or to carry through plans or for some, to make the rent. In Woodend our restrictions have been modified, we are lucky, but our clients are often in Melbourne… so it is still difficult for us. Like you we are still in recovery from last year and the 7 days.
In March 2020, the way we did business was changed beyond imagining, and beautiful studio classes that I have taught for more than 50 years, became zoom classes. Lovely, but not the same. It did mean that we could reach across the globe, but so many other things were curtailed – and I love people coming and going to the studio, it is my life.
With no studio classes since March 2019,(and only six people max possible in my home studio now due to
distancing etc) keeping our chins up and our mindsets positive has been a yoga challenge, just as it has been periodically for ALL victorians and in particular, Victorian Yoga Studios.
Without support from our friends, family, yogis and and clients buying merchandise through our ETSY market place (and supporting other studios you may have been attending – or attend now) this dark time would be even darker. Let’s all do what we can to keep our studios, and others in mind. Let’s do what we can to help each and every Yogi in this Industry to come OUT from their difficulties. They can only do that if we work together.
Support the Victorian Yoga Studios – don’t wait until “the good times”. Make today “a good time”! Buy a book, course, buy a painting (get a tattoo – tattoo shops are allowed to be open, I am), and if you’re not in a financially safe position to do this, then volunteer your time, make something, or send a card to let them know you are well, and thinking about them..
If you have promised your time, promised to attend classes, or take courses – do so when you can. Do not be a “no-show”. We count on you. It is these efforts that keep us able to be in business and support you as we always have.
I am very lucky, and I give a big Thank you to those beautiful students who don’t let the sun go down on our efforts. Where they can they come to classes, buy herbs, buy books, update their Registrations to support their practice, and when they say they will come to something, they show-up! They are an active member of the Sangha. They don’t just have a bumper sticker, the yogi earrings, and the carry bag with a logo – they are ACTIVE YOGIS.
They help us do what we need to do to keep providing support. It doesn’t just happen.
Absolutely EVERY bit counts, we know that first hand. You can find courses, herbs, books, cards, paintings and loads of other products at . Every little purchase, every little bit of support you can give, will help us rise out of this difficult time. We (and every other yoga business) are like any shop. If you don’t support the shop, then sooner rather than later the shop will close. If you want the shop to keep open, make a purchase, make yourself known, keep up the support especially when times are tough and they are..
One thing you can do is update your Registration which helps us, and helps you. If you haven’t done it – do it today. When you do that send it with your application for insurance to AON, so that you can be insured correctly. Don’t be part smart.
I will meet you on the mat,
Namaste. Jahne