Dear Yogis,

SUNDAY: 10am TEACHER TRAINING – THE BHAGAVADGITA.  (all welcome for this class, teacher, trainee or curious)
I think you are all jaded by the continuous lock downs, or just can’t be bothered, because our yoga classes are down a bit from the enthusiasm at the beginning.  The same students who were faithful in class, are faithful on zoom.  Who would have guessed?
When we get back to bums on seats, real class, you may be surprised to find that your studio class is no longer offered and has been swallowed up by zoom students who come every time.  Yoga, like art, has to pay the rent.

FRIDAY EVENING PENDULUM CLASS:  This was fantastic, and we start next week working on our Pendulum Boards which is what the class decided was what was needed and wanted.  If you want a pendulum board ready made, I sell them.. go to and click on the Store.     If you want to join this one hour free class, or the Saturday afternoon 2 hour series you will need materials, (and the 2 hour class costs $50 for a series of three classes – if you came to both you would get to work on your project for 3 hours for about $17 per 3 hours a week…affordable – sure..  Let me know you want to join and I will speak to you about this.

At the risk of being a “schoolmarm”, or a “tough old tart” – Do you think that paying attention to your yoga practice isn’t important? You will somehow catch up? Or that Karma won’t catch up with you?

The yogi looks within and explores his or consciousness at its various levels which include the body as the physical manifestation of the mind.  The experience of one’s body is often seen as the key to the mystical expression of the world. When we are healthy we do not feel any separate parts in our body, but we are aware of it as an integrated whole, and this feeling generates a feeling of well-being and happiness.  The mystic is aware of the wholeness of the entire cosmos which is experienced as an extension of his body.

An old Chinese saying:  “Mystics understand the roots of the Tao and not its branches, and scientists understand the branches of the Tao but not its roots.  Science does not need mysticism and mysticism does not need science, but man needs them both”.

We will be living in a Covid world for some time.  To live in harmony at this present time there are a number of steps we can take…

1.  We need to eat from the earth.  Our food needs to be gathered as close to the source as possible
2.  Being “at One”.  This is about appreciating nature and our fellow beings (and the virus which is also a “Fellow Being”).
3. Respecting the life-force. Treat the planet with humbleness, patience and understanding.
4. Restore pure water and save the oceans –  without which life on planet earth will not be pleasant…
5. Like the Dakota Indians “Live your life thinking of your children’s children.”