Dear Yogis,

Imagine if you can,  what it would feel like to feel no pain.  Not that pain ceased to exist, but when pain came towards you,  you were able to see the causes deep within reality itself  which were bringing this pain to you.

Imagine what it would feel like if you had perfect peace of mind as you went about your day, finishing this and other pain forever, your mind completely free of these thoughts.  Whatever pain you have it is in your brain, and not in the site – where you feel it is only a warning signal to stop you doing yourself more harm.

If this were possible for you, you would have more time, more peace of mind, less confusion.  You would be able to love, to create and to give to others.  You would be like a child.

When Jesus said “Suffer the little children to come to me”, was he talking about children, or was he talking about adults who had been able to return to the innocence and openness of a child? In order to achieve this state of being, you would need to come to a perfect understanding of existence.  You would then know why things happen as they do, every thought which is thought, every pain which is felt.

You would know how to act in order achieve a state of perfect happiness.

After you have read these words, you will go back to your life  as imperfect and covid tainted as it is.  You may remember my letters to you, and for a mini-second you may be able to escape the darkness.  There is only one way to achieve this level of “perfection”..  You must learn from my words to you, and your own personal, regular, daily, practice and these (baby) steps will lead you to experience for yourself the state that we call “emptiness”.



Please read the web page “classes” before you book for classes.  We live in unusual times and there are unusual Covid requirements.

You might also read “RESTORE” and decide to come to my STUDIO+DISTANCE course on Restorative Yoga… You are all Welcome.  You will learn more than asana, and every skill is another class you can offer at your studio, or as a one-on-one.