Dear Yogis,

Actually I made two mistakes (re. the lunch) in Wednesdays newsletter. Apologies!

CORRECT MESSAGE:  THE YOGA LUNCH is at THE MOUNT Macedon Hotel, on the 11th December at 12noon,(which is tomorrow (Friday).  I hope to see as many as possible there.  If you have not notified me, and you are coming, please email me.

TAROT/ART CLASS:  Saturday 2pm to 4pm at the Studio.  This is the last tarot Studio class for the year.
PENDULUM ZOOM on Fridays 6.45

STUDIO YOGA CLASSES:  Monday 1pm (full), Wednesday 5.30 (1 vacancy),  Wednesday ZOOM yoga class -Vacancies available.
Friday and Saturday –  will be reconvened in the new year.  Please let me know if either time is suitable.

ZOOM YOGA STUDY CLASSES:   THE DIAMOND SUTRA study Tuesday at 7.30pm.  ‘GITA STUDY: Sunday morning at 10am


To purchase,  email me and I can chat and give you the details of these and any other herbs and oils that we keep in stock.  I will be here right through Christmas (except December 25th/26th) to facilitate purchases, and for massages.  Please Email:

(trametes/coriolus Versicolour):
$35 for 25 grams postage included. I have located a stable supplier of organically grown/wild crafted powder.  It is quite different to any I have used before and actually looks like a mushroom powder.  If you want to put a spring in your step, this is the way.

Antioxidant Protection: combat oxidative stress and inflammation with an extract that packs a powerful cocktail of 35 phenols and flavonoids.

Immune System Booster: assist your body with PSK and PSP that promotes an increased white blood cell count to fight off poor health

Gut Health Balancer: rebalance the bacteria in your gut by nourishing good bacteria and reducing the impact of bad bacteria

DAMIANA:  ($17.50 for 25 grams – aerials), postage included). Amazingly I have some of this hard-to-get herb…  It used to be taken as a substitute to marijuana,  so needs to be used with respect.  Fantastic to aid sleep and lessens feelings of anxiety.

Botanical name: Turnera diffusa
Other names: Turnera aphrodisiaca.
Damiana, was used by the Aztecs for impotency and Mexican women were also known to use the fragrant leaves in a tea as an aphrodisiac.  The Damiana plant is so important that it has been classified in Mexico as a “national treasure” and now a prohibited export as a live plant.

Damiana affects the psyche, producing a mild emotional uplift that can last for up to one and a half hours. Some damiana before bed relaxes , and promotes pleasant dreams.   Three-dimensional effects and colour appreciation may also be heightened.

Reference: This is a modified excerpt from Ray Thorpe’s book: Happy High Herbs.,,


“For you are but a cell in the body of God: thus a co-creator with him in what you think, in what you do.  You change each soul you contact, literally or mentally… yet no soul may come in contact with the Entity without being changed, either in body, mind or purpose.  And purpose is of course, of the soul”.  Edgar Cayce reading 2794-3

SEE YOU ON FRIDAY at noon,  at The Mount Macedon Hotel..