Dear Yogis,

Apart from the poltergeist around my home which I am learning to adjust to, I have had some extraordinary synchronicities.  It happens when you are happy and going in the right direction and I feel that I am, in spite of lock-down which will mean that for a while we are back to ZOOM.  That’s right, the dreaded zoom is back.  Now is the time to hang together – even if it is on zoom.

Talking about synchronicities – my wall furnace died.  For the last two weeks I have been without heating… except for very expensive electricity.  Yesterday  my new plumber (he’s been my go-to for a few years) discovered that the original plumber had not left the required gap between the wall and the unit, had not installed a back plate and there was a charred area about 2ft square about to burst into flame!!!  The flue was wrong, the hole in the ceiling and the roof installation was substandard and so on.  Thank goodness my heater failed otherwise my house would have burned down (worst case scenario I know).  There is a God.  My house is now warm, open, quiet and wonderful.  I feel great.

ZOOM CLASSES (Schedule repeated throughout Lockdown) NO STUDIO CLASSES UNTIL END OF LOCKDOWN
Friday 5.30 Yoga.  Friday 6.45 Tarot Class
Sunday 10am CCP Class – The Tibetan Book of the Dead (Plus)
Monday 1pm Hatha Yoga, Monday 6.30 Mary Magdalen Study
Tuesday 7.30 CCP Repeat (?)  Nothing is exactly a repeat – you can always learn something new.
Wednesday 5.30 Restorative Yoga

PPT PLUS ChiNeiTsang.
For those students who have achieved a PPT Massage qualification with me, there is a step-up that you can do.  Recently in “The Tibetan Book of the Dead”  Study we talked about the “winds” of the body, which are the major focus of Tibetan medicine.  When we do PPT massage we are looking after this aspect of healing,  although we may not have expressed it this way.  We are doing the pulsing, but WHY are we doing it?

I have blended ChiNeiTsang with PPT (I have always used CNT together with PPT), and the lockdown may offer us extra time so that we can consider this – we now have time.   Once things get back to a new normal and we can begin massage….we  can be ready to start introducing our clients to a deeper appreciation and example of our massage therapy.  We can’t learn it in one session… but we can get an understanding to take to our clients after four sessions,  which will include a lesson on marketing.  It is no use learning a new step in our massage if we don’t tell people about it – this is a way to truly be a Compassionate Companion to many.

CNT/PPT is Healing from Within to detoxify, strengthen and restructure the body.   Physical pain is a reflection of inner emotional conflicts. Through ChiNeiTsang/PPT massage we utilise the deep gentle abdominal touch, breathing and meditative techniques to help expand self awareness, quiet inner conflucts, and outgrow our painful selves.

Interested?  Email me ( and we will organise a time to do some zoom classes.  Saturday mornings at 10am?  Is this a good time on zoom for you?   Then, when this Delta madness is over and after you have done our short course,  you can start your massage up again… and take off running.   As I have said to you before.  There is so much to know.  I have taken every opportunity during these lockdowns to learn more, and to bring more to you, and that has made the lockdowns a very important time I could not have had if life had just gone forward…  I don’t have lockdowns I have STUDY TIME.

WHEN I had children at home, as well as their regular lessons, I  taught them yoga, massage, and anything else I was learning and passionate about and studying.  In this way we all  learned something.  It is how I used to live with my kids, and why they loved being at home with me.  

Try it.  You don’t always have to change your life to adjust to their lessons, they can change their life to yours….. learning then is super fun.