A SPECIAL BUY! Look what I bought at the op shop yesterday – not entirely convinced by the colours, but it is a beautiful thing for working on and displaying future hats and collars.
Windarring Yoga – Tues. x 2 +Thurs. x 1. (some Fridays)
STUDIO YOGA WOODEND: Monday Hatha 1pm (full) 2.15 Wed. Restorative 1pm.
TAROT READINGS AT THE STUDIO – Look forward to hearing from you. You can even come on the weekends, and I can do “doubles” – you and mum, maybe you and a friend.
THE YOGA LUNCHEON: As always the last Saturday in the month. The next at 12noon the 28th October – PUT IT IN YOUR DIARY NOW.. I have booked for us to go to The Full Moon in Woodend. Warm, “homey” and great food. I love the Nachos – with chicken – with prawns – vegan, or Mexican. Any of them are great.
If your treasured items need re-imagining and mending, come see me – please make an appointment first.. I am pretty well booked until the end of October (unless you are a regular who needs a skirt/pants tweaked), so keep that in mind. SEWING BEE SUNDAY AT 2.30 at my studio, 37 Morris Road, Woodend. I will be working on another quilt. Last night I just had to quit because my fingers were aching from the hard stitching. But it will be done.
A note to quilt owners. If you have a cherished quilt, please check it regularly for wear and tear especially along all the seams. Once they get to a certain stage they are a lifetime’s work just keeping them intact. If yours was a gift to others, it does take away the need to worry about christmas gifts, because there will always be repairs needed on the quilt.
STEAM PUNK PARADE – this is still on the drawing board and we are in discussions with the Full Moon Saloon. I want to include young designers, sponsor a prize for a new talent, and perhaps morph into a Sewing Bee style competition.. Watch this space and keep on stitching!!!!
SEE YOU IN THE STUDIO (and at the yoga lunch at the end of the month)