Dear Yogis,

Nearly finished with the week.  Yoga at 5.30 then Tarot (business – challenges/blindspots/the journey) at 6.45 tonite – please bring your cards plus pencil and paper.  Don’t miss it.  

I will then be working in the garden over the weekend, to get ready for the coming week.



I love making things as you know, and also mending, and the last couple of evenings have been devoted to just that – mending beloved items, and mending for other people.

I am not alone in this.  The picture to the left is of Prince Charles.  I have a number of pictures of him wearing super patched items (I think he does them himself), even some suits he wears at fancy occasions  a patch or two is clearly visible, even his shoes.  Katherine and his mum might wear things more than once, but no-one wears clothes until they just fall to bits like Prince Charles does.

If you want your precious items suitably mended (much better than the item here),  then send them to me – I do charge by the way.  This isn’t a freebie service, however, if you send me a picture, I will give you an approximate cost of the mend.  I do them all by hand, no machine mending, and if Prince Charles would send me that jacket I could do it beautifully.  I have written to him suggesting just that, and I will let you know what he says.  He usually is quite prompt at replies… and polite, no matter how crazy the topic.  Maybe he just likes sitting with the Duchess at night mending his coats.  I like the peace, quiet and the concentration required and I can understand he may also..

I am so looking forward to the STUDIO OPEN DAY on Sunday the 30th January 12pm to 4pm.  The garden at the moment is looking just beautiful and I plan to have a few (Bach) plants potted up and for sale, as well as some precious items from my wayward youth.  The Elvis diamanté belt from Las Vegas, the “Babe” belt from New Orleans, and the beautiful Louis Vuitton bag, as well as paintings,  the oils, Turkey Tail, the the designs for tattoos.  All just for you.  This would be the perfect time to drop off your favourite item of clothing for mending (I don’t do shoes, only because I don’t have a last).  I could be persuaded to do quick tarot readings (quick!) if you were interested.  

I hope you have taken my recipe for the COVID “CURE” seriously.  It is fabulous stuff – I have a pot on as we speak.  3 grapefruit, 2 oranges and a lemon.  Cook until it goes to mush, blitz, then put in a bottle or two in the fridge.  Have about a third of a glass and top with tonic water, mint and lemon – with plain water I have it every morning.  I am told by my scientifically inclined students that it contains the naturally occurring form of Hydroxychloroquine, the much rubbished drug that Trump took when he had Covid (plus Ivermectin of course).  I really like it.  Not sweet.  Don’t take too much, it will give you a headache.

See you soon. Zoom? Studio, on the Mat (or for a tarot reading – can do zoom).