Dear Yogis,
I had planned to do lots, BUT the door into my “apartment” same down off its track. Saturday afternoon I spent trying to repair it (without success) and Sunday afternoon after Church and Saturdays chores that didn’t get done, a friend came around and fixed it. It looked like a crime scene. Black grease fingerprints all over the door, dust, etc etc. But, the door was fixed. Some refinements still to be done, but essentially the door is operational and the cat can be kept away from the yoga – the main reason for the door.
I will not be sending out invitations – a less than useful exercise which takes far too much time for return. I do however have a number of acceptances already so all is good. As i have said before, even if no-one thinks its a good idea, I would be there. This Thursday, 12 noon at The Victoria Hotel in Woodend. Last time I had a plate of steamed vegetables – It was fabulous. I wasn’t even tempted by dessert. Please email me to let me know you are coming if you haven’t already.
Because of the disruption of the door on the weekend, I did not get as much of the dolls done as i planned to do, there are two under construction, the strange little Blue Baby is sadly in need of a face, and the larger teddy has a pair of rompers on the go. So, by the end of the day (all things being equal) I will have them finished.
If you want one of my bears, you can always come see me especially if you want a MEMORY BEAR or doll (with treasures added to the bear in memory of someone passed for instance). Otherwise you will find a small selection at HONIES HANDMADE, a gorgeous little fabric house in Lancefield (Victoria).
You may think I don’t yoga or teach since doing the dolls, and you would be wrong. I get even more pleasure now that I am also exercising my creative side making dolls and bears, and this brought to mind a Biblical (or course) quote.
“Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, before you were born I set you apart, I appointed you as a prophet to the nations” This is in the Old Testament book of Jeremiah and it has many interpretations in the modern era. Of course there is no interpretation needed for the first words “Before I formed you in the womb I knew you…”. Wherever you are, whomever you are, you are not unknown to God.
Those who are yogis and believe in reincarnation will see this as a reference to the place between lives. That before you came into this lifetime you were appointed a task – How to know what that is? We only have one compass, our heart. When you are living yoga, going in the right direction, travelling in the vortex of energy caused by that vibration, you will know it. You can’t know if you will be an immediate success, you can’t know how this forward movement will end up – you can know that every day will be a joy, and you will have that blissful feeling that you are doing what you were set on earth to do. FOLLOW YOUR HEART no matter what anyone else says. Not new advice, but relevant.