Dear Yogis,

WOW!! What a day we had yesterday at Windarring with my disability clients, we did FLOOR EXERCISES for the first time.  Up to this point it I just taught  chair exercises.  They loved the floor versions, smiling and laughing all through the class.  I learned a lot too – How the class is VERY VISUAL, and each client needs to be reached by physical steps…  taking about the moves is useless without accompanying step1, step2, step3 type of instruction directly in front OF EACH CLIENT.  I floated home I was so pleased with the class.  The ground work had paid off.



I don’t know about you, but I began my studies and practice in hypnosis because I met clients with problems that seemed to be chronic, but I could see had their beginning in their view of the world.  Stories they told themselves.  Plus, clients (in an effort to change their minds) had been given all kinds of medication over and over again, even if they didn’t make any progress from taking it, or their overall health was being compromised. I was reminded of Einstein’s quote:

“Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.”

The same applies today.   It was the ‘sane’ doctors doing the same thing over and over to the ‘insane’ patients… I was not new to hypnosis having experienced its effectiveness myself, and I began to study and use it.  In the beginning primarily to deeply relax my overstressed clients.  I found that not only could I get them into a relaxing trance, but the benefits of it would last for days.

Now this isn’t because I am different from you, some kind of super-therapist,  I know countless other practitioners who have made similar differences in people’s lives. In fact I have had clients stop smoking (a difficult drug to quit) in only one session.

That’s the reason why I do this work.  I love hearing stories like this, and reflecting on the clients I’ve helped.   (I should point out here that I’m not anti-medication, and certainly a raving fan of herbal medication.  However, I AM  against over-prescribing, and using medication that has not been proven to work).

I remember in my early years in my clinic thinking ‘there’s got to be a better way!’ and now that I know what it is, well I’m on a mission to share it.

If you would like a hypnotherapy session I would be willing to try zoom(?) as long as you could closely regulate your environment – no noise, no interruptions, no dogs or cats. I would prefer sessions at my studio.  

Hypnosis is easy to teach, and I could organise a class and teach you how to do this.  It would take a weekend.  If you are interested please let me know, keeping in mind that the “COMING TO OUR SENSES” workshop is a kind of hypnosis. A very good “step 1”.  


MEDITATION IN EVERYDAY LIFE – A WORKSHOP.  “COMING TO OUR SENSES” (This is a kind of self hypnosis) SATURDAY 15TH OCTOBER, 1.30 TO 4PM.  (Maximum of 8 students.  Cost:  $25 – Early Bird, before the 15th October $20). If you would like to join us, please let me know.  We can take an afternoon away from the world and work on this.  It is not a dour, hard, zen workshop it is a STUDIO (NOT ZOOM) workshop of experience. .  We will start with,  “COMING TO OUR SENSES” – SATURDAY 15TH OCTOBER, 1.30 TO 4PM.  (Maximum of 8 students.  Cost:  $25 – Early Bird, before the 15th October $20.   I can charge hundreds of dollars if it would make you feel better about the course).  I need to have 6 to 8 people to move forward with this workshop.


****I WILL BE AT THE ART GALLERY at MT.MACEDON (next to The trading Post)  8th and 16th October from 10am to 1pm.
 Please come at these times if you would like to meet me, chat, see the dolls and other things… It is a beautiful little gallery.

ZOOM TEACHER TRAINING 6.30 Monday (The Sutras)

NEW – SATURDAY STUDIO BOTANICAL ART CLASS: “GIVE IT A GO” with Jahne.  4 x 2 hour classes from SUNDAY 9th October, 2.30pm to 4.30 $75 for members of The Botanical Art Society of Australia, ($85 non-members). Location: Woodend, Victoria.