Good morning yogis,

Nothing happens that is not the will of God, although having a home invasion was extreme.  It has meant that I have been pouring over my computers, learning more about security too.  I was recalcitrant about using my new IMac – but not now.  I am so pleased I have it.

I am having cameras put around.  If you are entranced by the RING advert, check again –  it is a subscription.  Better to buy a set outright.  Aldi has them on special this week I am told, but I am getting a good one and having it installed properly.  Will cost way more, but then it is done.  Now I know more about my phone and computer I can manage them.

It is interesting that a few days before the invasion my cards told me to watch doors, and guard entrances, but I thought it was all metaphor so I just tucked the information away.. but no.  The cards were saying just that.  Watch your doors, any doors, all doors..


Windarring Yoga –  Kyneton Tues. 1pm.  9.30AM in Gisborne

STUDIO YOGA,  WOODEND:  Monday 1pm, Wednesday 1pm and Friday 10am

DISABILITY YOGA CLASS (YOGA FOR WHEELIES AND WALKERS) in NORMA RICHARDSON hall, starting 9.30am every Wednesday  by donation. Please arrive close to 9.30 and we will start when we are settled.  I am also considering having a class at home studio – there has to be an alternative for people who for whatever reason either can’t come every week at the same time, or won’t go to St.Mary’s Hall.

I am going to start another class in chair yoga (no wheelchairs possible) at the studio.   By donation, chair and pilates-ring,   breath yoga (pranayama), and meditation/omming.  Just the same as the Wednesday class in the Norma Richardson Hall..  Probably on on Monday afternoon.


TEACHER TRAINING MONTHLY CLASS.  Last Sunday in the month at 2.30 at the studio. NONE IN FEBRUARY.

ART EQUIPMENT CLASS:  Please book for the next art class. MAKING YOUR TAROT DECK.

YOGA MONTHLY LUNCH:  At The Victoria Hotel (hardly anything else is open for lunch at 12 noon Sundays)




Dear Yogis,

Home invasion, yes, it happened to me.  I was on the email and I clicked on a favourite home choices page which I do often, clicked through to their website and wham, the computer locked up – I could not change the page, close the page, or turn off.   A notice came up on  Microsoft banner, “you have been spammed, if you want to save all your info click on this, we are here to help you”.  So I did and that is where it started.

They had been watching the house, had a person turn up at the door and demand my credit cards (they were on my computer all this time). He had on ear buds and a microphone, obviously keeping in contact with “head office”. I gave them the cards.  They told me not to try and contact the police etc. and relax.  they were watching the house and monitoring my calls.  After a certain amount of time, I disconnected the computer, I called the banks and stopped the cards, called the fraud squad, called other scam watch groups and have been clearing up since then.

They police said they were an International Criminal group – well organised – all their addresses are overseas so un-actionable.  A few examples have happened in our area in the last few days, and obviously more will follow. The comm bank must be worried because yesterday they had a mini-seminar on such incidents at the Kyneton Library.

If it happens to you. Make a check list now and follow it.  1. turn off your computer at the wall, 2. call the police  3. Call the banks and change passwords etc.  4. call the COMPUTER COMPANY in Gisborne 5428 3499,  opposite Aldis and get your computer cleaned up. (After my incident, I rocked up no cards, no money and needing cables etc and they let me have them for what I had in my purse.  I had no way of getting more til next week.  I have since gone to the bank and they gave me a cash advance without my credit cards (couldn’t go to an ATM).  5. call friends for support.  6. SLEEP.

TODAY: Saturday 22nd February – WOODEND ART AND MAKERS MARKET at Norma Richardson Hall next to the Anglican Church.  10am to 2pm.  I will be there at the back in the left hand corner.

TOMORROW, Sunday 23rd February – Our Monthly yoga lunch at The Victoria Hotel in Woodend.  12 noon.  If we get a crowd we can get the small room for ourselves.  However, we have been allotted a corner table under the front windows.   Let me know if you can come.



Windarring Yoga –  Kyneton Tues. 1pm.  9.30AM in Gisborne

STUDIO YOGA,  WOODEND:  Monday 1pm, Wednesday 1pm and Friday 10am

DISABILITY YOGA CLASS (YOGA FOR WHEELIES AND WALKERS) in NORMA RICHARDSON hall, starting 9.30am every Wednesday  by donation. Please arrive close to 9.30 and we will start when we are settled.  I am also considering having a class at home studio – there has to be an alternative for people who for whatever reason either can’t come every week at the same time, or won’t go to St.Mary’s Hall.

I am going to start another class in chair yoga (no wheelchairs possible) at the studio.   By donation, chair and pilates-ring,   breath yoga (pranayama), and meditation/omming.  Just the same as the Wednesday class in the Norma Richardson Hall..  Probably on on Monday afternoon.


TEACHER TRAINING MONTHLY CLASS.  Last Sunday in the month at 2.30 at the studio. NONE IN FEBRUARY.

ART CLASS:  Please book for the next art class. MAKING YOUR TAROT DECK.  and WAMM see above 

YOGA MONTHLY LUNCH:  At The Victoria Hotel (hardly anything else is open for lunch at 12 noon) 23rd of February (yes, this coming Sunday). Book with me if you want to join us.



Dear Yogis.

Lunch this month is at the Victoria Hotel in Woodend, 12 noon on Sunday (not Saturday).  On Saturday we will all be at The WOODEND ART AND MAKERS MARKET, at the Norma Richardson Hall next door to the Anglican church (which is between the cemetery and the state school).   and I personally am hoping to see you there.    I am featuring the tarot – paintings, tarot on tea bags, prints, cards and of course I will be taking bookings for readings.  There is lots of parking.


Windarring Yoga –  Kyneton Tues. 1pm.  9.30AM in Gisborne

STUDIO YOGA,  WOODEND:  Monday 1pm, Wednesday 1pm and Friday 10am

DISABILITY YOGA CLASS (YOGA FOR WHEELIES AND WALKERS) in NORMA RICHARDSON hall, starting 9.30am every Wednesday  by donation. Please arrive close to 9.30 and we will start when we are settled.  I am also considering having a class at home studio – there has to be an alternative for people who for whatever reason either can’t come every week at the same time, or won’t go to St.Mary’s Hall.

I am going to start another class in chair yoga (no wheelchairs possible) at the studio.   By donation, chair and pilates-ring,   breath yoga (pranayama), and meditation/omming.  Just the same as the Wednesday class in the Norma Richardson Hall..  Probably on on Monday afternoon.

ZOOM YOGA PHILOSOPHY CLASSES AS USUAL :  Mondays, 6.30 as usual.  Next monday – “Purushatas and Your Life”.

TEACHER TRAINING MONTHLY CLASS.  Last Sunday in the month at 2.30 at the studio. NONE IN FEBRUARY.

ART EQUIPMENT CLASS:  Please book for the next art class. MAKING YOUR TAROT DECK.

YOGA MONTHLY LUNCH:  At The Victoria Hotel (hardly anything else is open for lunch at 12 noon) 23rd of February (yes, this coming Sunday). Book with me if you want to join us.