Hi Yogis,

What a fabulous weekend.  First off 2pm came and went at the Gallery and I thought you had forgotten me, then at 2.30 until after 4 you all came to see the work, and I sold lots of prints and cards, original work, and booked tarot readings!  Thank you, thank you.  I still have some cards, and prints left (not heaps) and I have to work at replacing them. 

If you want a card or a print of a favourite Tarot card please let me know and i will make sure the image you want is done especially at the gallery prices.  Email and we will chat – yogafirst2@bigpond.com 

Cards – 9.50 each plus postage or a special YOGA PRICE $35 for 4 including postage.  The images are printed on lovely paper, attached to the card,  and  suitable to be framed.
Original painted tea bags – Matted and mounted (ready to frame) $165 including postage. 


COMMISSIONS:  I am pretty busy at the moment, but I am still taking commissions – keeping in mind we are half way to Christmas!  If you want a portrait in miniature of a friend, even a furry friend,  book one now…

I even have a bank up of restoration work on clothing, and a bible or two.  Instead of chucking out, make do and let me mend and recycle. Last night I even updated a favourite pair of shoes!  I can now have more wear out of them and they look great.  I will put them on instagram

I look forward to seeing you at the exhibition.


Windarring Yoga –  Tues. x 2 +Thurs. + Friday

STUDIO YOGA WOODEND: Holiday Monday Hatha 1pm (full) Wed. Restorative 1pm – it is on this week.

ZOOM WORKSHOP.  Mondays at 6.30 on zoom. None today – we are waiting for the class to get the book(s)  “A Year of Living Biblically” and “The Source”.

THE YOGA LUNCHEON:  The last Saturday of each month at 1pm. I have booked to go to the FULL MOON in Woodend, last Saturday as usual at 1pm.    You are all welcome!