Dear Yogis,

My bees are coming back to the garden in a week or so – when the stars align.  It will be interesting to see the difference.  I have been preparing, corralling wasps… doing everything I can to make the garden safe for my busy little friends.  I had to split up the two hives.  There will be a hive under the Manchurian pear, and one near the back fence.  I am excited.

I always go to the cards, not to follow without question, but just as a guiding hand…. My message today?  Don’t Be Afraid To Go It Alone.  The card I chose?  THE HERMIT.

The Hermit is a seeker.   He wants to know, experience, and comprehend all that exists inside him. This card may indicate that I am looking for deeper knowledge (nothing new here). Perhaps I want to take this new road because, although I don’t know what awaits me on the other side, I know there is a benefit waiting for me.

If the Hermit card appears in YOUR readings, it may be a sign that you want some genuine alone time. We all need this now and again, and it’s a good habit to check in with yourself to see when you’ll need to be alone. Some things can be difficult to learn when you are distracted by having to interact with other people. I said I wanted to be alone over the Christmas break, but life doesn’t have that in mind – people don’t believe me.  I am socially more busy than I have ever been!!!

When you encounter the Hermit in your readings, ask yourself the following questions: Would you benefit from some reflection right now? YES. What exactly are you looking for? What are the questions that must be answered? Are you able to answer these questions by searching within yourself? Would you benefit from some time alone? How can you approach this reflection in a positive, healthy manner?

What The Hermit Means for You Today

If like me you have chosen The Hermit (I love this card) it has appeared in your life today to advise you to listen to your heart and, if necessary, take some time to yourself. We live in a busy world and modern society does not always leave a lot of room for deep introspection. If we want to live a happy and balanced life, we have to work to understand the inner workings of our own hearts and minds. There could be some underlying, or even repressed, emotions that need your attention. The Hermit did not become wise simply from reading books, but by taking the time to understand himself on the deepest levels. There is a light within you that can guide you along your path – Take some time to strip away the thoughts and feelings that are obscuring your clarity. Meditation will help you today.

Like me, carve out some time just for you.

Our YOGA CLASSES start on the 9th January.  

OPTION 1.  The Official School Term  starts on the 3oth January and finishes on the 6th April – which we also call a TERM. If you want to start again on 30th January (a Monday) and finish on the 6th April,  then the cost for the term is $220.

OPTION 2. However, If you want to pay for the entire time from the 9th January to the 6th April, (a lengthier term) the cost is $270.

OPTION 3. There is still the option to pay 4 CONSECUTIVE classes at a time $88 – with this option if you don’t come to class you lose your payment, although you can make up a class in the same week.

SEE YOU ON THE MAT (I am already missing you all).