……from the next term I will be redesigning the yoga space, and my yoga life.   I need a stable base, and after all these years I have to re-design my life so that i can achieve that.  You have a stable financial base I am sure, and pay as you go asana based classes are for the young at heart – they would not work for you, and at this end of my life, they don’t really work for me.

So the new, new, classes  will have a new, new point of view. I encourage you if you like my teaching and the convenience of these classes to pay a calendar month at a time, or term at a time classes.  I have flagged this before, and trust that you understand WHY I need this certainty.     As it has always said on the web page they are CONSECUTIVE CLASSES.   Some months have four weeks, and some 5, so you will be getting an extra day free here and there which I hope you will keep in mind.  I will also be doing one-on-ones.  If you are truly needy and are in circumstances that mean you can’t pay $88 for a whole months classes, then let’s talk and see what can be arranged.

If you want casual, then I will be doing classes at The Norma RichardsonHall by donation.  They will be chair yoga with meditation..

I have always been a keen meditator.  It keeps the mind the body and the spirit in good shape.  I will be offering meditation with gongs (healing sound) and mandala classes – alone and combined.  The meditation with sound will be also added to YOGA FOR DISABILITY classes.  I have noticed that students with no movement (except for minimal hand and face movements) break into smiles when meditation with sound is introduced, and our meditation times have been getting longer and longer – even the support workers want more and more.  I have introduced it slowly, and it is taking hold.

My Little Gallery and my art will be taking up the time I would have been yoga dedicated, and I hope you will drop in or go to the web pages.  www.yogabeautiful.com.au to see the yoga timetable, or www.jhwilliams.online for the art.


Windarring Yoga –  Tues. 1pm .  (Tuesday AM in Gisborne starting in the new term).

STUDIO YOGA WOODEND: Monday Hatha 1pm (full) Wednesday Restorative 1pm,  FRIDAY RESTORATIVE 10am (Closed 1st to 8th July)

DISABILITY YOGA CLASS (YOGA FOR WHEELIES AND WALKERS) in NORMA RICHARDSON hall, starting 10.30am 17th July  by donation. Next term.  All my disability classes with have an emphasis (after time) on meditation/sound therapy.

DISABILITY YOGA TEACHER TRAINING.  Starts Wednesday 12th June at 6.30 zoom class.

TAROT/PAST LIFE ADVISOR/counsellor – Always available by appointment.
I am updating the Etsy booklets relative to my decks (and my new RED deck).  I will let you know when this is done.

HOT STONES MASSAGE – Our Winter offering once the new hot stones arrive – THEY HAVE ARRIVED!.  Weekdays and weekends by appointment only.

NEXT STUDIO TEACHER TRAINING – The last Sunday in June at 2.30