Dear Yogis,

We in Regional Victoria are living nearly normal, but the greater Melbourne area still can’t (theoretically) travel to the Regions although I know a flurry of permits are being issued as we speak to people for a myriad of reasons, even to “inspect” their holiday homes.  I do know that I will doing my shopping this afternoon and going nowhere near Woodend over the weekend as i imagine it will be “Covid Central”.  I really do feel for people in shops and in supermarkets as they have to deal with this.

STUDIO: Monday 1pm, Wednesday and Friday at 5.30.  We now can invite you to come if you have been staying away due to Covid style booking and numbers.  We can now take a full class.

ZOOM STUDY:  Friday 6.45 Tarot Class, Sunday 10am CCP, Monday 6.30 Teacher Training, Tuesday 7.30 CCP.

I have always have to know “Why”.  I have studied most of the world’s spiritual teaching and along the way learned many types of healing alongside my studies in yoga.  In the past 60 and more years I have studied and read many books on alternative healing and I am back to the beginning.  Back to where I started.  The healing methods of the older women in our family, especially (?) my mother.  These women who in older times would have been burned as witches knew many things about herbs and healing, and mum added Oxygen Therapy to this.  I didn’t understand what she was doing.  I now have a glimpse.

In order to test my theories, I am doing what mum did, and I am monitoring the results by means of basal temperature taking daily.  I will be doing a chart, and I will be sharing it with you.  Basal temp doesn’t just tell us about our fertility, it can also tell us about our core health, and allow us to monitor and clear up any toxic waste.   Clues we can get no-where else, and way ahead of when an infection become noticed physically.  I believe in the years ahead we have to look at any therapy that allows us to be personally aware and responsible for our own health.  This will do it.  If you want to join me you will need a digital basal temperature thermometer ($11.95 at Guardian Chemist where I bought mine), and download a temperature chart.  I have one that incorporates acupuncture on it as I go to an acupuncturist, and it may skew the results.  We will see.

Don’t forget I have TAROT CHARTS, A WEEK AHEAD TAROT SPREAD page, and a DAILY TAROT DRAW page.  All these are available to help you journal and you can download them for very little cost from

I look forward to working with you.  Keep an adventurous spirit…. someday your life may depend on it.