Dear Yogis,

FRIDAY:   NEW. ZOOM TAROT READINGS – “CONNECT WITH SPIRIT” 6.30pm to 8pm (see details below).
SATURDAY: ZOOM 2pm Tarot and Art.

SUNDAY: 10am GITA and 2pm YOGA TEACHER TRAINING IN THE STUDIO (Yes, its the 1st Sunday in the Month)

MORE ZOOM TAROT READINGS:  Connect with SPIRIT:  I am starting a regular Friday Night Zoom Group 6.30 to 8pm, where I will be doing readings.  These are like my one-on-one readings which have taken place with clients from all over the world during Covid – now it’s your turn.  It is a reading intensive for almost the whole of the 90 minutes. I will only be taking  maximum of 5 persons at this event so if you want a reading the cost is $75 per person (normally $125). To book your spot please email me in the first instance  Then payment can be made as usual through PayPal.

Private (one-on-one) readings with Jahne are done over ZOOM (can be in the studio if you prefer).   Payment must be made at the time of booking. Private readings are approximately 1 hour – $125 per reading…. If you are a regular “zoom Reading Client” with private or group sessions,  there is a 10% discount.
To request a private reading please email



Thanks for the feedback and thumbs up in the last email about mending/darning.  Today my Australian Yoga Journal arrived in the post, and guess what….there was an article on pages 24 and 25 in that journal by well known yogi Cyndie Lee (founder of OM YOGA in New York City) on mending and darning.  Apparently Cyndi is another darning afficionado.

Darning is not just about darning.  We have to connect with the damaged item, search in our stash for the perfect patch, or the perfect wool match – right colour, strength and size.  In my house as in Cyndi’s, no fabric gets thrown out.  We repurpose even the smallest piece.  The actual act of darning takes me back to my mother and father who both encouraged me in re-puposing garments.  I learned to sew by hand and then by machine with lessons at The Singer Sewing Centre on the corner of Swanston St. and Lonsdale Streets in Melbourne (probably before most yogis reading this were born).

In the same way I learned to read the tarot and tea leaves, I learned to embroider from my father, and knit, darn and mend from anyone in the family. It was almost by osmosis.  Learning without learning – just doing.   I wish I had learned to mend shoes – my dad had lasts and used to do that too.  There were NO shops in our district for years.  Everything was delivered by horse drawn carts, and then by small rickety vans.   The milk delivered into billy cans hung on the fence, ice in chunks for the “ice-chest” (before refrigeration) the bread a couple of times a week, vegetables and fruit from the Chinese Market gardeners (plus we grew our own), and household linens and stuff from the Jewish travellers who even took Lay-by.   It was a different life.  Covid has had me focus more on those times.

Because I learned to be self sufficient in my youth,  Covid was just a reminder of how things were way back then.  I felt comfortable there.  Now, I had another skill I could bring to the mix – YOGA.  The idea that mending is a meditation, and like working in a garden,  is the opportunity to slow down, think (meditate) and give thanks.  The patience comes from hours on the mat.


Mending, Sewing on a patch, and darning socks or sweaters is like practising yoga – The word Vinyasa comes from the Sanskrit which means “Placing in a special way”.  Each yoga movement is in three parts –  arising, abiding and dissolving.  Both the movement of the needle and the ageing of the garment all have these elements.  The arising, the abiding and the dissolving which allows another arising and so on.  Stitch by stitch,  breath by breath the garment is made whole but only in the moment.  As soon as it is mended, once again it is moving through time to its dissolution.  Nothing is forever, nor would we want it to be.  Honouring each thing and loving it whilst it is in our care is an important aspect of personal responsibility.

I also repurpose jewellery from the op shops.  Cleaning and repairing so they can sell the good bits, breaking into groups what is left to be given to schools for their craft classes… nothing is wasted.  Nothing is landfill.  Everything can be used again (and again).

Whether we are speaking of sweaters, socks, shoes, jewellery, whatever personal items come into our hands, I am aware that they belonged to someone who loved them – and I feel the vibrations of that person.  They may not have understood who grew the fibre, dyed it, made it up or sold it, but the important thing is I DO.  I honour those makers when I mend something and I honour the garment or article by giving it a new life.   A beautiful, careful mend done with love is a badge of honour.

For me mending, darning, doing more with less, re-using,  re-purposing and recycling –  is an art form and an aspect of MY YOGA PRACTICE.  If we all supported this attention, this interdependence, it could create a global awareness and activism towards a more sustainable way of life.  

All you need to start is a needle and thread.. and please teach your children.


I will meet you on the mat.

Namaste – Jahne