Email blast 15th June 2016

  Email Blast 15th June 2016


Honouring the Universe – The philosophy of The Australasian Yoga Institute….

Dedicated to a tradition of excellence in teaching for more than 40 years, The Australasian Yoga Institute offers yoga teachers comprehensive and systematic training in classical yoga.  We teach yoga techniques for body, breath, mind and spirit in 200hr and 500hr certification programs.  Our programs include training in meditation, asana.



Briefly,  after being alerted to this problem and experiencing disturbed sleep and depression in my clients – more than could be explained by some clients just sitting up later than others (I do that often enough and bounce back the next day) , I have been doing some research on the effect of blue light and I invite you to do the same.  In this era of computers and electronic devices, more people are reading with computers not “real” books,  and watching TV later than they should, and then feeling that every day is Monday.  The result is not just about lack of good sleep, it is also about BLUE LIGHT.

To make sure that I got the latest, most reliable information, among other sources I research the magazine   Scientific American MIND (a regular read of mine). In that magazine, Thomas Jefferson University neuroscientist George Brainard, reported that he and his colleagues have known for quite awhile now that light, especially BLUE light is the most powerful cue for shifting the phase or resetting the time of the circadian clock. We also know that melatonin is present at low levels during the day, and begins being released a few hours before bedtime and peaks in the middle of the night.  Past studies have shown that light especially BLUE LIGHT suppresses melatonin.  In the 1990s his team performed more than 700 experiments over seven years to measure how different wavelengths of light regulate acute melatonin production. They found that humans display a peak sensitivity to light in the blue wavelength region of the spectrum.   Photoreceptors in the eye could not account for this differential regulation of melatonin production.

What happens in the body when our eyes are exposed to blue light on electronic devices?

Recent studies have shown that blue light has a greater effect on phase shifting the circadian clock and on melatonin suppression.  In 2014  Dr.Brainard and his fellow scientists  examined the effects of reading on a light-emitting device,  compared with reading a printed book. Participants who read on light-emitting devices or watched TV, took longer to fall asleep, had less REM sleep [the phase when we dream] and had higher alertness before bedtime than those people who read printed books. They also found that after an eight-hour sleep episode, those who read on the light-emitting device were sleepier and took longer to wake up.   In his study all participants had to stop reading and turn off the lights at exactly 10 P.M., even if they did not feel sleepy.   At home, I would expect people do not have the motivation to turn off their devices and go to bed, so they would stay up longer and experience even more circadian delay and shorter sleep times. That being the case, the effects in the real world could actually be even greater.

So yoga teachers, those who have Kindle, who read on computers or pads take note.  I am so pleased to learn that we who have stuck by the printed paper page have been vindicated.  It is not just about the beautiful smell and feel of the printed page –  we “real” booklovers are looking after our minds…. Hooray for the Luddites!


I am having such fun discovering I LOVE to write books.  All I would need is a pekinese dog on my lap to be the Barbara Cartland of Yoga!   I am going to do one on ISOMETRICS WITH A BAND, and a replacement for the almost impossible to get YOGA HANDBOOK for my students.  However, the latest which I loaded over the weekend  is about food, because you can’t do yoga or isometrics or anything if you don’t feel good, it you don’t have heaps of energy like me – I am not retiring, I am refiring –  and I could not feel this good if I ate badly.  


Yesterday I loaded the latest book,  NUTRITION FOR A SMALL PLANET – THE YOGA OF FOOD.  This book outlines the good grains/ancient grains, the good sweeteners, the good oils, herbs, plants, recipes.  Of course it is not all you need to know about nutrition, how could it be (Doctorates are written about each of the sub-headings in my little book),   it will however give you a good heads-up starting with herbs and plants and working through grains, oils, sweeteners and there is even a small paragraph at the end about  WORDS.  Yes, words can be nourishing or drive you into the dust.  Anyhow, it is worth it to get the book just for the recipes for my green smoothie,  the famous Golden Milk, and Tigers Milk.  These just by themselves can change your life.

If you have your own studio, or teach (or just want to know more)  or want to do workshops, but don’t feel confident that you know enough –  then use these books as the foundation.  Just say that everyone in the class buys a book, comes to the workshop.  You do a class, embellish it with things you like to do, add diet, meditation…  you could easily have a one day or two day work shop based on one of these books.  Should be good, and a whole lot easier than starting from scratch.  Plus, your students can decide to get a certificate at the end from  me if they want that.  It all helps. 

The courses in the new TEACH YOURSELF  booklets are complete with descriptions, class plan,  background, embellishments – everything you will need to develop a class of your own.  They are NOT TEACHER TRAINING COURSES.  They are instruction booklets.  The cost is $45 for each booklet,  and if you want a certificate you can do the exam attached, and if you pass, I will send you a certificate.  There is a charge for the certificate and exam, however, it will save you having to do a long and expensive course which, if you have already qualified and graduated as a yoga teacher (or are on the way) is probably over-kill don’t you think? And you will have all the tools you need to extend your  yoga classes, and add a new skill for under $200.

HYPNOTHERAPY TAPES/DVD’s:   When I have got my head around the tech I will do these for you.  It will be helpful for those people who want to give up smoking which will be the first that I do – and could save you thousands of dollars now that cigarettes can cost up to $40 per packet.    I did plan to do this today (Monday) and I still might get the time…  let’s see.

Lee said…..“I felt like the manual gave me confidence to be able to mimic the class and gave me a clearer understanding of the principals of Yin Yoga. I really enjoyed it Jahne and i got something out of it which i will continue to do so as well. So as you said in the manual “i have written this book for you so i hope it will be useful” – and it is, so thank you very much Jahne!”


THE FAST-TRAK TO SUCCESS. (Applications open until the 10th July – you have a month to apply )

This is not a general invitation, however, 
1.    If you enrolled in the course more than 2 years ago, 
2.    Have been sending in the occasional module (yes, I need to see your work) – enough that I can see you have a good grasp on both the philosophy and the asanas
3.     but due to circumstances have not finished the course 
4.    And, HAVE BEEN TEACHING, and there is a record of that teaching that I can access from your students…

Then you are eligible to do the FAST-TRAK.   It is not easy.  If you are a local student, then you have to do the exam in front of me, also show me that you can do a range of asanas (not just the basics), and understand the philosophy and complete three modules chosen by me.  If you are a remote student then the exam can be done where you are, but I will need a DVD of your asanas chosen by me, and you will need to complete the three modules.   The cost for this fast track is $975 which includes a year’s registration.  You can pay in three monthly installments, and when everything is completed and paid for you will receive the registration at RYTA200 (NOT RYTA/YA350).  After you have been teaching for a year, and on re-registration you will be registered at RYTA/YA350 and be able to register for health fund rebates for your clients. 

I do a Fast–Trak every few years, just to scoop up those trainees who are lagging behind, but have proved that they are wonderful teachers.  This is an occasional occurrence, I do not offer it on a regular basis, and if you miss this opportunity then next one may not happen for a couple of years.   

Please if you want to avail yourself of this option,  email me PERSONALLY please use  Don’t use any other number.  


Both of our new groups are moving along.  It is going to see how many of you out there opt to take your school one step further, and become teacher training centres.  
Fabio and Francis in Lyonville –  These two wonderful teachers run a fantastic and encompassing studio in Lyonville.  They have daily yoga and weekly events including workshops and special classes. They also work hand in glove with me to teach teachers.  If you are lucky enough to do teacher training with us, then you will have a wonderful, rich student experience which will translate very well into teaching however, and wherever you wish to take it.   If you are within driving distance, please contact them for information and to be put on their mailing list. 

  YIN YOGA/ANATOMY/MEDITATION DVD’s – all with Paul Grilley
This is one of my major sources and fits beautifully with the course we have put together.   BUY ALL THREE.  You will never regret it.   They are the best and will form the backbone of your yoga references.  Don’t hold back it will be false economy.   As I have told you before when I bought mine they cost $100 or so each.  I thought that this was a good investment.  I think half that is a steal! And that is what we are selling this for
We are launching the GITAJAIA YOGA FOUNDATION on the 10th of July. Our first goal is to raise money for The Annie ten Brink Memorial Yoga Scholarship.   If you would like to contribute to this effort and  be a member, (and we need as many members as we can get), you will be able to purchase a membership which will come with a beautiful little angel artwork by me.  We will have a few things on the etsy site that will also be used to fund the foundation, among them the artworks, the red string bracelets.  My very special large artworks will also be available, and a viewing will take place on the 10th July.  

Bec Cassar the owner of “BOWL FULL  of SOUL”  is helping me with the launch… 
I don’t often give adverts, but one is required here.  “BOWL FULL of  SOUL” – Phone: 0431 697 613. “Bowl full of Soul” is also on Face book, and that is where you will find the menus.  


No kitchen tips this week – I am kitchened out with the launch of the book NUTRITION FOR A SMALL PLANET – The Yoga of Food.  A few recipes in that new booklet, including Golden Milk can revolutionise your eating pattern, and therefore your life.  Forget about dieting, forget about binge eating – starting thinking differently and you will start eating differently.

GOLDEN MILK PASTE.  To see this go to the blog. or  go to Etsy and get the booklet.  At a time when we are learning that alzheimers disease (and other diseases too), could be caused by infection, this paste will help.  It is anti fungal, anti bacterial, and helps regulate the bugs in the colon.  Very satisfying too.



For anything yoga –  blog, .  I will be logging on later today (Monday) so by the time you read this, a new blog will be up there JUST FOR YOU!



We are desperate for some copies.  If you are done with yours, don’t just leave it on the shelf……We will buy yours off you for $25 plus whatever is the postage cost.  Email us if you would like to sell yours, and Deb will call you to organise.   We get so many folk get back to us saying how wonderful this book is.  There is a later edition available with lots of black and white photos in it, but my favourite is the first edition which was all colour.  If you can find one, keep it close by – it is a wonderful resource.


YOGA CLASSES at the home of The Australasian Yoga Institute….. The Bentinck.


Cost:  $10 per person per class (or $100 a 12 class pass:  non–transferable).  
$15 mum plus little yoga bub. $25 per family (mum, dad and two primary school children.  
Young adults $10 each).

WHERE: “The Bentinck”  on the corner of the Romsey Road and the High Street in Woodend.  Enter from  the start of the Romsey Road only – the sign is big and clear . 

PARKING:  If both sides of the car park are full when you arrive, please park over the road – you just have to walk across Romsey road to yoga, and that’s not such a hard thing.  Don’t park anywhere else.  As you enter the gate, park only to right or to the left – not straight ahead. That also is staff parking.

HOLIDAYS – I totally forgot about this holiday weekend.  Now that I am not taking every class I need reminding…  I apologise for those people who turned up and we were not there.



Monday        5.30pm RESTORATIVE, 6.30pm Hatha class 

Tuesday       *10am RESTORATIVE Yoga therapy with Jahne ,  and 7.30pm Hatha class

Wednesday   12.30 Yin with Fiona , 6.30pm Hatha  with Jahne

Friday           6.30pm Hatha with Jahne 

Saturday       9am RESTORATIVE Yoga with Nicole, 10am Hatha Yoga with Nicole, 

                    12.30 *RESTORATIVE Yoga therapy with Jahne,

Sunday         4.30 *RESTORATIVE Yoga therapy with Jahne 

KALMA:  All those who had the beautiful Kalma teach them yoga will be thrilled to learn that she had a baby girl.  Sabrina Rose.  What a lovely name.  She is on Facebook, and she has put pictures up.  



At the moment I am the only one locally able to take RESTORATIVE YOGA THERAPY CLASSES. Although others may take Restorative Yoga.   If you have a serious health issue, make sure that the class you are coming to is taught by me.  My classes are a therapy class, and if you buy a class pass you may be able to get a refund from your health benefit fund (depending on the fund).  If you are buying your yoga a class at a time at $10 per class it probably won’t be worth the admin hassle.  Restorative Yoga is quite different to a HATHA Yoga Class.   On request I started a Sunday class, most people can make 4.30 on Sunday, and I hope you can too. If you are looking for any changes in times and days, then please go to the web site.  You will find everything there.


The next will be on the first Sunday in July at the Bentinck – in the Yoga Room, 
enter through Romsey Road only.  Please join us.   If you are a distance ed. student then the cost of the afternoon is $10.  If  you are a visitor and not formally a student teacher with us then the cost is $20.

Everything will change for you when you work out that there is plenty of time in every day to complete the important things.



READING:  I read “Autobiography of a Yogi” for the umpteenth time this week.  What a fabulous book.  I always get something new out of it.  If you haven’t read it, you must.  There are things to be learned on every page.  I am starting at the beginning and doing it again, that’s how much I loved it!!!

All our classes are available via distance education and you can start any time..  Thank you to those students who are moving from their 200 to another, higher course.  Once you have got into the habit of learning, then it is easy to keep going….   Within our school there are three levels of YOGA TEACHER TRAINING, plus a course in the Gita, the fundamental source of all yoga teaching through the ages.



3.    RYTA500 – THE NEXT STEP    

       which you can take in a number of ways.  You must start with 200 hours first.


5.    PPT Massage technique.  A stand-alone class, fully insurable. 



We recently were noticed in Mass. USA and we are getting a review for our posters and colouring book – if you had not noticed, colouring in is the new thing.  Best seller list stuff…

ALL OUR IN-HOUSE DVD’S AND CD’S ARE AVAILABLE AT THIS SITE.  Please remember that they are not flashy high cost productions.  They are made by Deb, Nic and me to answer your various questions.  They are useful in your course.  

    YOGA SWINGS: Colours – *blue and grey, grey and black or pink and orange”,



After years at a very cheap price by industry standard, we are upping ours.  If you want yoga insurance with us the cost is now $220 pa.   Because we have been with them since they started, it means we get a “hot desk” answered by a real person, in Queensland not India,  who knows who you are.  We also can get the student insurance, which is a very special advantage.  With regards to the forms – we are updating and simplifying.  It won’t be done in a flash – so thank you in advance for your patience.  Our insurance company is underwritten by Lloyds of London, and has recently acquired OAMPS (I am sure you have seen this about).  We have the advantage, we have a niche within that business, and are cared for, which is excellent when you have questions, and want service.   



Signing up for a course – our course included, is like buying a car.  You can’t buy it, take it for one run, leave it in the garage and a year later go back to the dealer and ask for your money back.  It doesn’t work like that.  If you are on the course, you are on the course until you write and let us know that you are not.  If twelve months and more have elapsed with no contact in spite of all our newsletters, etc…. then you have (as far as we are concerned) been on the course for 12 months, even if you have done NOTHING in that time.  

If you are a trainee Yoga Teacher who has been working on the course for more than a year please understand that your course fee only gives you FREE classes with me for your first training year – the first 12 months only.  Imagine if what would happen to our Institute if  you took three years to finish your course and you could still come to classes free for the entire course.  We do our fee calculation based on 12 months of free yoga classes.   Your training fees cover you for a year, after that we ask you to pay $10 per class.    




NEW TEACHERS…BEFORE YOU START THE COURSE PROPERLY LOOK THROUGH THE VIDEOS.  I can’t stress this enough.   Please look down the list of the videos before you try to do stick drawings, or organise your journal.   NOTE WELL:  they are not in order.  They do not match up with the modules and they were not designed to do that.  You are yogis doing a course.  You do not need the trainer wheels.    Get a feeling for how they are set up, what’s where.  It will save you heaps of time later on.  There are stick figures, respiration, philosophy, how to teach….even the garden is there.  You will love them, but you have to get to know them – it’s not just about asanas.  My various hair incarnations alone will keep you interested!



If your question is a lifestyle issue, a domestic issue, or a personal issue and you want personal advice (counselling), Tarot (?), even hypnotherapy and of course ONE-ON-ONE RESTORATIVE YOGA THERAPY….then there is a charge.   My service is professional and there is an hourly rate – for the Restorative Yoga Therapy there is the possibility of a refund from your Health benefit fund, depending on the fund.  Enquire before you decide to make a booking if this is important to you.  Teacher Training issues at the moment are part of the course, and cost nothing – but you need to make an appointment.    Please,  respect my 50 years of teaching and training.  My time is valuable, you know I am always teaching, studying or working with my students – it is all a matter of energy and exchange.  We are a Sangha.   Thank you.



FIONA:  Is doing the everyday office work.  She is the one who is there when I am not there in the afternoons, Monday, Wednesdays and Fridays.  You can always give her a call if you have an admin question.  

JACKEY is our bookkeeper.  For the next 8 weeks she will be working from 9am to 12 noon on Wednesdays.  If you want to know anything about accounts, ring at this time.  You can ask me questions any other time, but I may not be able to give you a definitive answer.

ME: During the week, mostly you will be dealing with me.  I am having a lovely time getting close to all my students after years of leaving you all in Debbie’s hands.  Right at this moment, if you have a question about your course (until Fiona gets up to speed), truly, I am the only one absolutely qualified to answer you.  If I don’t answer right away, be patient and call back.  Please email in the first instance at the number below – only the number below…  and set up a time when we won’t be disturbed, and will be in a place where phone connections are possible.  My email  If you want to know anything about your course..if you have problems, concerns,  then email me.  As I have said.  Be patient.  We are working hard to be the best we can be.

THURSDAYS –  are my ONLY DAY OFF.  I would really appreciate it if you left your emails, and telephone calls until Friday.  I know that in this “information age”  you need to know things right this minute…  please postpone your request, and don’t get annoyed if I don’t pick  up the phone.  Make it on Wednesdays or Fridays so I do get a rest.  Also, Read the yoga schedule above.  If you call whilst I am in class I am not going to pick up the phone – ditto if I am in the middle of a consult – that is why I plead with you to email me.  Then I can reply as soon as I am free, and those who try it will know I do, unless I have to think about and research what you have asked then it might take a little time.  Thank you!

Most people have never met, and don’t understand, that there are angels all around us whose only job is to make sure that you don’t get too comfortable, fall asleep and miss the important moments (and gifts) in your life.

I move with the infinite in nature’s power.  I hold the fire of the soul.  I hold the life and healing”. (Rig Veda)
I have found  if you paddle your boat it is easier to maintain the illusion of control, but I tell you it is so much more fun if you pull the oars in and just let the river take you where it will….

Everything will change for you when you work out that there is plenty of time in every day to complete the important things.

THE LAST WORD: I try to imagine life without being able to speak to God, but none of the days without that special energy have the same laughter, or opportunities…..

For more wonderful, delicious thoughts
Log on to our Web site
and tune in to our videos  daily.

ENJOY – Love and Blessings,  

Namaste Jahne

Contact me here.
This email was sent out by
The Australasian Yoga Institute/Yoga First.